OK a few points
1 the consumer TV did not line double back in the day, that wasn't until the 480p days
It would place the lines by simple timing
2 the advantage of visible lines it to not display what's not in the original image
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I stand corrected. However I sorta disagree about that image. Visable scanlines are a (usually unintentional) byproduct of a display. If your display produces them, yippie, if not, no big. Neither is the "original image". The PCE puts out 240p, not 480p with a synthetic 000 gap every other line like an XRGB does. Sprite sheets aren't interlaced with black. It's "original" as in "original gangsta" but it's not "original" as in it being in the system somewhere.
I have heard many people argus about it.
Some claim that when the developers made the games they took into account there would be scan lines. This in turn leads some to feel the art of the image and display animation is dependent on the presence of scan lines.
Other feel it was never the intension for scan lines to be present.
However, since to my knowledge no developer or sprit animator has ever come forward to say scan lines where the intended look of their games no one may never know.
My thought process is that when the games were being made he limitations of consumer electronics were always a factor of the game design. Similarly to his various types of video inputs as they became more varied to most consumer homes with cheaper and cheaper technology i.e RF connectors leading to RGB, to s video to HDMI and so on and so forth chrome on sync or Lumas or what have you the available tools of the asteroid image of the display also became more varied with the designers intent.
Mind you for many of us we grew up with a SD CRT tv. So nestalgia wants us to think the image of the game must be preserved by the image the tv creates as it was in our memories. Hell first tv I ever owned was a 12 inch tv that had knobs to change changes and volume. By the time it was mind I had to use a pair of pliers to change chanles. If I were to ever find that tv again if buy it in a heart beat simply because I remember t as the first tv I ever owned and had in my room up to when I graduated high school.