Turrican looks constipated... and has a mangina.
And has T-Rex arms. The foreshortening looks way off...
And his aim is way way f*cking off. Guy is just shooting at whatever, not even looking at his targets while he grasp onto his imaginary zip line. Also, his gun has no f*cking trigger, so I guess it just fires on its own when it wants to.
You guys are hating on Turrican, a master-at-arms.
As per his therapist's instructions, he is encouraged to "let off a little steam" on particularly stressful days by harmlessly shooting his handgun into the air. It is cathartic.
Also, mechanical triggers are so yesteryear. Turrican has a more advanced cybernetic relationship with weapons/abilities, which are triggered by various things.
Anyway, I too, feel that Turrican looks like he is posing in the illustration. He clearly cares about his appearance.
So, now we know that Turrican is vain.
This is the closest we will get to a selfie.
Turrican = a vain cybernetic warrior who would grab a "selfie stick" as quickly as an extra powerup.