I think the drums are fine, but the problem is, they're not the Capcom drums, which aren't even drums lol.
Capcom's songs always had those like
"bweoooo booweoooo" percussion noises. They had hi-hats, and those like, turbotoms or whatever you even want to call them lol.
You can do them on PCE. I'm actually doing that for the kick drums I use, but the pitch is super low instead of super high, so you don't get much except a deep thwoomp.
And thank you for finding those tonal based kicks! (I think I used them to good effect in my rendition of Cyclical Rampage). Unfortunately the kick wasn't really lending itself to my bass drum in Dr Wily's Castle because the song was too fast for it to have its full beat completely audible, and the tonal nature of it also got a little lost in the background. I needed a quick/short and deep audible impact. (Alas, bass has always been the PCE's audio Achilles' heal). I do feel that I have a pretty good grasp of the drums (still working on it), but it takes time to find good drums with trial and error.
One thing I would like to grasp better however is how to change the pitch of the white noise component as most of what I am getting is rather dull/flat mid range white noise. With a higher pitch white noise I think I could even reasonably replicate cymbals (sort-of). I've been meaning to ask you some question about that actually...
BTW, for the Capcom percussion noises you mentioned above, are you referring to the triangle wave channel from the NES version? I've found @13 to be a pretty descent triangle substitute at lower octaves. I really need to start shaping the waves and using ADSR (everything I've done so far, minus some drums, has been default Squirrel) but at the moment I'm doing all of this in notepad on a netbook. lol