Keranu: Why do you think The Legend of Xanadu is graphically impressive? Sure, there are some pretty pictures in it, but in-game - it's an NES game. Looks almost exactly like DQ1-4.
Seldane I must ask, have you ever played a NES game
? NES games generally use 10-20 colors on screen while I am sure the LoX games are in the 40-70 range and you can easily tell the difference when it comes to games like that. Sorry to pick on you here, but lets do a small comparison
Nice looking overhead NES game (and I even used one of your example, Dragon Warrior IV):
Overhead screen of the first Legend of Xanadu:
I kind of find it funny how I was able to take a screenshot in Dragon Warrior IV that turned out so similar to the layout of the LoX screenshot
. Anyways, that Dragon Warrior IV screenshot is using 17 colors while the LoX screenshot is using an impressive 85, cleary a huge difference and the difference can easily be seen. Even the nicest looking overhead on Genesis wouldn't be able to look quite as sharp as that LoX screen since it uses 21 more colors than the Genesis can use, but that's a different story.
Here is a comparison of the side scrolling screens using Mario 3, a very nice looking NES game, compared to another LoX screen:
Once again, huge difference but then again these two games have completely different styles. 12 colors for the Mario 3 screenshot and 64 for the LoX one.
Some think LoX2 graphics are even more impressive, but I won't bother throwing in those screenshots for comparison. Also, I have a soft spot for the graphics in the first LoX