A note on PS IV - it looks much better on the real hardware than on any emulator. On emu it looks like a
dithered mess, but on the Gens TV output it blends oh os nicely

I like the look of PS II over PS 4 - just slightly though, but that could change since I've haven't logged more than 6 hours on PS4.
I think Gotzendeiner look average at best - not impressive from what I've seen - it's play control is too sloppy for me.
Seldane, those pics are awesome examples of great Gen games. But we all know that any graphics the Gen can display(colors and res), the PCE can do as well - OK sans shadow/highlight since it display colors not available in the 512 palette - see Charles Macdonalds 1536+ color demo for MD.
I agree with Nod, Sega had strict requires for granting a license to any given game to be published, while Hudson was much more leaniant. I remember reading a statement by Hudson saying they knew they couldn't complete with Sega and Nintendo so they focused and simple gameplay and fun (I wish I could remember the source).
Sega was one of the kings of the arcade business - I think this is the most determining factor to Sega's success in the 16bit era (3rd in Japan, but #1 and/or #2 in the US depending on who you ask).

Gulliver Boy

Anearth Fantasy
(looks a lot like Ys I & II artwork...)

De Ja
(no reason really to post it, but ...)

not bad considering the pc engine's cpu isn't much faster than the NES's.. but in terms of graphics its far from the NES..
The NES cpu is based on the original 6502, the PCE based on the w65s02 - there's a noticable difference alone right there - not to mention the PCE runs at 7.16mhz and the NES runs at 1.79mhz. Besides, the PCE's huc6280 CPU is even faster than the Gens 68k in a bit of the same operations - MIPS(millions instructions per second) wise it's faster than the NES, SNES, and a hair faster then the MD. It's all in how you use it

Actually the 68000 isn't famous for it's speed, but it's architecture and cost - very popular in embedded systems with its orthogonal instruction set and wide address range. The 68k is useful for operations that aren't that crucial in 16 bit games, i.e 32bit add/sub, 32bit multiply/div, etc.
Agree with runinruder with BO. It looks awesome, but average at best game - couldn't get into it. The wasn't there a Zelda clone for Gen or was BO susposed to be it?
I sure like to find a genesis/megadrive shooter that looks as nice and colourful as this:
Sorry, but the MD has some great shooters. Gaiares is graphically the most impressive use of 64colors IMO.
There are plenty of awesome graphics on the MD, sega sure knew how to make use of those onscreen 61 colors.
BTW: I'm stuck in Anearth Fantasy - nobody answers the babies cries int he beginning