I am moving into a new house, however, it's down the street. Literally in the same exact neighborhood, so I'm not too worried. Packed some of my games in plastic bins, have some cardboard boxes too. I figure I'm going to handle the moving in my car for this stuff. Now I am thinking about vertical vs horizontal storage.. I read a little bit about it and most recently I was storing horizontally in tall stacks. But it's been suggested that's a bad idea due to weight. Some of my Saturn and Sega CD manuals are sagging a little, it's no big deal though I don't think, they are clean. Worried if I store vertically, some of the looser CD spindles will drop the disc out. I know this is a little bit collectardy, but just trying to take care of what I have.
Also, when I have received games from members here, many of you put a little piece of bubble wrap between the CD and the lid. Just for the mail or do you keep your games like that all the time?