Seeing as how 8.1 is pretty meh, I'm tempted to upgrade. Just in case something goes wrong, is there an easy way to start from scratch with a fresh install of 10, or would I have to reinstall 8.1 and upgrade?
And would you say it's worth the upgrade? I have some free shell thingy to give me back a start menu, but there's a few other things that are annoying (like swipe to close).
You have a real start menu again, so classic shell can go the way of the dodo...
When you do the upgrade to 10 you can then make a dvd/usb media install in case you want to go with a fresh install, everyone has been suggesting doing the upgrade and then fresh if you want to afterwards, as the upgrade converts your key over. Once that happens when you do a clean install it's automatically keyed and activated by good ole MS.
I'm debating a fresh install as I have an SSD I use for my Linux stuff but I could swap that around to the mechanical drive and give windows the speed boost.
Overall, win 10 is nice and snappy, not complaints so far, but it's been 1/2 a day so we shall see lol.