So I have been rewatching alot of Star Trek lately, and just started watching Enterprise again.
I watched star Trek with my dad growing up alot, and I can remember watching Enterprise when it was released with him and enjoying it at the time, and in years since it is seen as the "bastard son" of Star Trek in the way the prequels are to Star Wars.
This got me thinking, what are some series you love even though most people do not, and why?
Rewatching Enterprise the way they did the tech (It being the past, done after the other series in real life) actually worked well in comparison, the story is actually well done for the most part for Star Trek standards (I feel like they went into Time Travel too early and that made alot of people not like it, Episode 1, REALLY? lol), and overall the acting is pretty good for TV of the time.
Nostalgia may have some factor to it, but even with all the stuff I notice that is off/not right, the series overall hold up, to me.
(Oh, and before it's posted, WE KNOW, Blakes 7 yada yada yada :p)