Well I really appreciate the warm welcome guys. Thank you.
Tonight I played a good bit of Blazing Lazers, as I prefer it over Cybercore or Dragon Spirit. I think just the colors/art is better in blazing lasers.
Seems the Cybercore/dragon spirit colors are just more.... Washed out...
Considering I am also gaming on the RF converter I'm sure I am not getting a great picture. But that is currently my favorite Shmup besides of course Gate of Thunder, but alas... I can only play that are a friends house, haha
Anyways, I want to get that cool Gauntlet style game (4-5 player) and a turbo Tap. It seems like it would be a lot of fun.
In response to a earlier comment, I know Hue cards are great, not arguing that at all. I am just simply more interested in being able to play Rondo as I do love the Castlevania series, and again... all of the great CD shmups, as well as the Hue card shmups.
I really look forward to one day getting a Duo.
Looked a bit on Ebay/Gaming stores near me.
Ebay I found a dude with a Duo with "New caps, and Region mod" that would sell it to me for 350 shipped. But I feel that is a good bit over priced, however... That was the cheapest one I could find looking at most "Conventional" places. Saw a few Duo-Rs go for less than 100, but were console only, and looked more than a little rough.
There is not a single Duo for sale in the entire state of MN that I can find. Hell its hard enough finding Hue/turbo cards. (Only one store, and I already picked through them).
So the search goes on I do believe. I don't expect the deal of the century, but getting a nice Duo with S-vid/region mod is really all I want + recapped. Ill keep looking I guess. I have been reading a good bit on here, and it seems if I stay active and actually am not a "Collectard" or Ebay dick I may get contacted by the "Chosen ones" haha. But its good to check all avenues. Thanks for any and all help as well guys!
~ Ryan