Another thing regarding inserts:
These new people who are getting into every single day there is a new guy who played one TG-16 game in 1989 and now, like a Manchurian Candidate freshly activated, suddenly needs to own every single game made for it...those guys...they don't keep their stuff very long, you know? The shit gets dumped and regouged really quick. So quick in fact that a buyer may re-sell his game before it's even arrived in the mail from the guy that sold it to him! Remember that one f*ck that had a complete US collection, sold it all, and then completed it again? What are the chances that guy still has any of it still? When you collect like a damned vacuum cleaner some details are likely to be missed. He wasn't opening or playing the stuff of anything. How would he know?
Now, it's established that these guys knew what they were doing, but unless the inserts are really obviously different it's for sure that a few copies of the game will be converted to "original CD with reprint back insert" to "original" at some point. The guy that got scammed here was in a prime situation to do this himself accidentally.