I've been sampling a few of the new games I've been getting on the system, but today went full in to finish a couple great ones. The first was NINJA SPIRIT. What a blast that game was, with just the right difficulty spike. I probably should have read the manual first, but I basically got to the second last level without even using any weapon other than the default sword. Pretty cool how there were the other 3 weapons, and how each one had a different strategy and use. There was an amazing sense of freedom in the game, and it was a ton of fun being able to jump a good 10 times your height (SEGA did this a few years earlier with the similarly fun KUNG FU KID) as you eviscerated everything on the screen. Getting the two spirits to fight along with you was impressive, although you see the limitations of the system with all the slow down when multiple baddies are on screen at the same time.
I'd love to see a sequel or a remake to this game on a newer console that could expand on the spirit idea and have up to say 4-8 spirits on screen at once to really make things frenzied. My only major complaint (other than the beyond frustrating falling ninja pit before the last boss) is that the game is a little short. I beat the game in a little over an hour, and I'm not all that good at video games. The second level boss actually gave me a lot more difficulty than the last one, as well. The collision detection on those bigger guys in the later levels with the long swords was pretty frustrating, too. You'd die and the sword hadn't even come close to hitting you. Still, I had a ton of fun with this, and you really feel like a pro by the end of it, slashing and deflecting everything in sight from all directions with your weapons.
The endless continues (and the fact that even at a continue you'll still start at a mid-level checkpoint close to where you died) and limited amount of levels make the game easy, but it's still a game I can see myself picking up for a quick playthrough every now and again.
There hadn't been a thread dedicated to the game in years, so I figured I'd fire up a new one to elicit some new reactions and opinions about Ye Olde Spirit of Ninja. What do you think?
Question for any of you from the Far East...what does all the Kanji text say in between levels? There's zero translation in the game.