« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2015, 02:09:44 AM »
Welcome! Nice to have someone else on here close (I'm in Toledo). Have you ever got any cabs from the dude in Roseville?
Thanks all. I'll post some photos of my arcade room soon! The centipede is currently in pieces. I'll wait till that's put together to take more photos.
I've gotten a few cabs and parts from 3 people in the roseville area. Tony, Danny, and... Some other guy that had 2 large storage units FULL of cabs!
Consoles: NES, SNES, N64, Wii, TG16, Master System, Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS3, PS4, PSP, Vita, 3DS
Cabinets: Neo Geo, Capcom 18-in-1, CPS-II Multi, Donkey Kong, DK Junior, Dig Dug, Centipede, Tron, Simpsons 4 player, Nintendo VS