Dude... you must be a troll account.
And star parodier isn't a US release.
But seriously... visit pricecharting.com and ebay sold item history. Spread the word. It seems like this is some mystical secret that nobody knows. Here are some other mystical secrets: the sky is blue. Grass is green. Water is wet. And DoxPhile is the shit.
A bit rude.
I never said Star Parodier was a US release. This is the PC Engine forum after all. Does a game have to be a U.S. release because it's sold in USD? If you were gonna call me out of anything I figured it'd be that I wrote Gates instead of Gate of Thunder.
And thanks for the link. I searched ebay and a few other sites but I didn't wanna base it on that since the ebay prices were all over the place and I tried Digital Press but I couldn't find either game.
are you in hk still? using the retro game facebook page? some times hong kong can be cheaper for pc engine games ( and other retro games) some times more expensive, especially ones with acquired local taste
note that there are rip off extortion yahoo auction seller/ stores in hk, just like ebay ( ones with hundreds of listing, but no one buys), just avoid them and go for the decent ones
example of cheaper game
https://hk.f1.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/1121132724?r=1236198469winds ( lords of thunder) usually command in uk around gbp30/ USD40, here i brought for HK$200 ( US$25)
here ebay decent seller price, real auction
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Winds-Thunder-Turbo-Duo-JP-GAME-/311429259944?hash=item4882a162a8local taste , Dynasty Wars/ Tenchi o Kurau (Japanese: 天地を喰らう commands high price due to cultural preferences, usually up to HK$600/ USD80, but it seems ebay prices are cheaper
while the much sought sequel on ps1 and saturn is even more expensive at HK$800 to 900 ( usd120) with spine card