I wish I'd had the money to fund this, but I hope the game will be available to non-backers! PCE needs more run & guns!
Arkhan, make sure you add an obligatory spaceship shooter section or two.
I'm pretty sure this will be available for general sale in the future, to not do so would make no sense.
Oh, and color me peeved about the DC "demo", it felt like a waste of 45 minutes for me to download, figure how to burn, burn, and then test just to realize it was basically a slideshow.
This is why I opted to not make a slideshow. I know how everyone in TurboTown feels about that sort of thing, given all the vaporware we've gotten moist for.
Things of note:
You can expect the shippy boss battles similar to Atlantean.
I am anticipating NOT making it like Contra. Saber Rider was very wild west shoot-out style. I feel it will be more akin to Rolling Thunder and such with timing + hipshot bonanza action, instead of "hold button down, get spread shot, win"
Depending on the source art, parallax/layering shenanigans may not come into play. Why sacrifice nicely done backgrounds and cut them up/simplify them just to add in fake eye candy?
Before anyone starts with the "but, but huuuuu parallax".
Valis didn't have parallax until what, Valis 4? Iga Ninden Gaiou didn't.... etc.
So, it isn't really a game breaker. Half the greatest games on the machine don't have it, so I personally will not lose sleep over not being able to shoehorn it in.
Especially if some of the levels are indoor.
This will mostly depend on the art direction.
Which, as I currently understand it, will be us getting handed art that needs diddled a bit to fit into PCE restraints.
hidden April shower scene?