Well I switched to Maria for that level and holy crap is the game easier with a double jump and those doves. Got from that level to the boss rush level super quick with her.
That mummy is going down tonight.
Yeah and if you didn't know--Maria has the special move (up, down, down-forward, forward, attack) for when you get pissed off, lol. It takes like half the boss's health in one shot. Kills virtually everything else. She also has the slide (down then jump) and the roll (down-forward and jump).
Richter has a few weird extra controls too. If you hold the jump button while jumping, you can control him and turn around in the air (like Mario for example). Also if you press forward (double tap forward?) after attacking, you extend the whip's range a little. Don't forget that can attack in the middle of his back flip animation too.
Hope that helps.
Holy crap again--I did that (the Maria special move) by accident a bit ago, just came here to ask about it, and you've already explained it! Thanks for the tips on Richter as well, I'm going to try to get through more of the levels with him now.
I'm at 96%. Is there any way to tell specifically what I missed on the map screen? I got all four prisoners. I'm assuming I missed an exit, regular or special, somehow. I'd rather not have to try them all again.

But if so oh well, there's worse things than having to play an awesome game some more!