I was able to give this a go last night thanks to Lost Monkey sending me over a copy of the patched game. It actually played well on my system, much better than the burns I've been doing for Ys IV, which leads me to believe either my media is bad (likely) or I am doing something wrong in the burning process (less likely).
As for the game, I've always found the 2D Castlevanias to be clunky (limited attack directions, having to "engage" with the stairs before you can slowly walk up them) and this one continues that trend, but the presentation is just so beautiful it's really easy to overlook the archaic NES-era gameplay. They have an excellent Save/Menu system that makes it easy to play the game in chunks and work away at your progress. I'm not very far, only 24%, but I've enjoyed what I've played so far. The way the cut scenes and the presentation works in seamlessly with the gameplay is beautiful and ahead of its time. Shame Nintendo's strong arm policy towards third-party developers robbed us from getting a legit release of this game in NA.