(1) I have never been a huge fan of Keith Courage (it is an average game), but it had very nice graphics. It was NOT the worst choice for a pack-in. Like B_T said: it lacked variety and became tedious/repetitive.
(2) R-Type = too niche in its appeal. Yes, it had brand recognition, but it was too difficult for average player. NEC DID NOT WANT KIDS COMPLAINING TO PARENTS ABOUT PACK-IN GAME. I love R-Type. I would have loved it as a pack-in. I could 1CC Gradius (NES) because I was obsessed with shootemups and I only got a few games a year. So, milk all value from a game
Of course, I was NOT typical. Keith Courage and Legendary Axe had a much more forgiving ramp in difficulty...and a much broader "genre appeal."
(3) Pinball, sadly, is another niche genre that would not have had as broad an appeal as Keith, Legendary...
(4) R-Type was a more expensive 4mB HuCARD to manufacture at time of TG-16 launch, meaning NEC would have been taking a greater economic hit (needlessly, since R-Type would NEVER have been a "killer app" that would sell the system to mainstream demographic).
They should have packed in Bonk's Adventure once it became available, it's a good game and I've always considered Bonk to be the TG16 mascot.
They did, and he was.
(1) TG-16 + Bonk's Adventure + Keith Courage (Early 1991)
http://archives.tg-16.com/turbo_play_0005.htm#p06(2) TG-16 + Bonk's Revenge + Keith Courage = $99.99 (early 1992?)
http://archives.tg-16.com/EB/EB_1992_03_021.jpgNOTE: Do you mail away for free Bonk's Adventure? Or is it actually included at point-of-sale? Same question for Bonk's Revenge...
ALSO: I am not sure these dates represent when the offer was
first introduced, but we know it couldn't have been later...my own thoughts: these might have been offers originally presented immediately AFTER the holidays, but, perhaps, they are offers presented DURING THE HOLIDAYS to boost sales. I'm not sure.