I've got one of these mystery games I never figured out. When I was in 6th grade there was this arcade game at some after school party dance thing and I never saw it again. I cant remember if the cabinet matched the game.. but It was a street fighter clone, the thing I remember is playing as a black dude in a beret, possibly a yellowish army outfit and he had brass knuckles...
hehe I remember him as the boss from Final Fight CD, thats close looking I guess.This must have been 1992-93.Actually if there was any Street Fighter 2 clone that had a character with brass knuckles Id be interested to see it.I never saw this in any magazines so I imagined it was some Chinese black market arcade game.
ok no effin way I think I got it lol and a it was released on super cd lol Martial championhttp://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=8630this was the cheesy arcade cab.. pure awesomeMeh guess this was a white dude (I wonder if there are alternative colors or something )Finally I can get some sleep at night