I have made a couple of posts here already but I thought it was time to properly introduce myself.
I remember when I got my TG-16 in the spring of 92, I had been waiting for a while to save up enough money to get it. A friend of mine got one in early 91 and I remember pouring over the flyers and booklets and drooling at all of the games. It felt like forever till I could save up enough to buy one. Then I finally saved enough and I ordered it from a Telegames catalog. After another long wait the package finally came. I opened it up and there was a TG-16, Legendary Axe, and absolute no packing. I don't know why but this image is very vivid in my mind. They didn't put any packing in there at all, not a single peanut or shred of newspaper. Luckily nothing was broken. Oh and these little plastic cards were in there as well.
Anyway I played Keith Courage and Legendary Axe a ton and had a lot of fun with both games (yes even Keith Courage). A couple of months later I got Dungeon Explorer, such a fantastic game. I beat it with 3 or 4 of the characters, but with the rest I remember getting stuck on the same boss.
I didn't truly fall in love with the system till that winter. After Christmas I got the Turbo-CD and Ys Book I & II. From the beginning of the opening cinematic I knew this game was something special. I don't even know how many times I have played this game through. This was the point that I felt the Turbo was something special.
Well that is my story of how I came to love the Turbo.
I hope I can contribute to this community in some small way since all of the great info here has helped me repair and upgrade my Duo when it started to die last year. Since I fixed my Duo I have really been getting into it again and buying more games for it. The Turbo is truly a great system.
Here is the link to all 56 pages of the Club Turbo Vol 1 catalog as high quality PNG files (well minus page 53 and 54 that I took out to subscribe to TurboPlay magazine).
https://goo.gl/photos/fstB8KjS6cqGU4bT7Here is a link to high quality PNG files of all of the other images I posted.
https://goo.gl/photos/hXnCnj4z3FxTVtk9AEdit 2:
High quality PNG files of the TZD catalogs can be found here:
https://goo.gl/photos/9XuxwZKFWCh7WcwR7Edit 3:
Go here for high res scans of the Club Duo Vol 1 & 2 catalogs.