I didn't see this one mentioned a lot when I was looking into buying it but now that I have played it I figure it deserves its own thread. This was an instant favorite for me when I received it a few weeks ago and I finally beat it the other day and then a couple of times after. What a find! It's a fairly simple top down adventure game that you can play through in around an hour. The action is, for the most part, well paced but you have to kind of take it slow on later levels or you may find yourself a bit overwhelmed by all of the characters on screen. It's also proven to be a game with some pretty good replay value for me, even when you put aside the fact that there are side quests and multiple paths through the levels. The only part I find tedious is the battle with the final bosses but that is only really if I'm running out of weapons when I get to them. I have pages of passwords that I wrote down but I've never used a single one because the game is fun enough for me to start from the beginning every time I play.
The game is pretty playable without knowing how to read Japanese but since I liked it so much and since the game is a little more expansive than I expected I find myself at a loss since there is a lot I'd like to know about the game and there is not much info about it aside from very general overviews and gameplay videos.
Anyway, post your thoughts and/or maybe any and all info about the game you'd care to share if you have played it, especially if you understand Japanese. I was specifically wondering about:
- How many different outfits are there in the game? I've found 3 (purple (lava won't hurt you), pink (I think this makes a woman who gives you a spell appear...), and red (invincibility))
- I assume not but is there any way to use a different weapon other than running out of the one you are currently using?
- What are the side quest items (bottom row of inventory/pause screen) and how many are there? I know there is a red and a blue sack that you need to get an outfit and I've collected a few other things but I don't know what they are, how I got them, or what they're for.
- How many spells are there? I've collected 5 and the manual shows 5, but the screen makes it look like there are 1 or 2 more.
- At the end of the game how do you get different characters/icons to appear on the screen? See the
high score thread for an example. OP there has like 3 of them but I have only 1 in mine and the next time I played the game I did everything I did the first time and then a bunch of other stuff resulting in more items, a higher score, more gold, and even somehow beating the game slightly faster but when I got to this screen I didn't even have the bird thing this time.
- Does the Select button ever do anything? It never seems to and I figure the manual just says "Not used." or something on the page of the manual that defines what the buttons do, but I can't read it.
- Does the question asked at the beginning of level 4 change or does the order of the responses change? I write down the responses as I give them and the correct response I've written down for most questions always work for all except this one...
Not looking for specific instructions on the questions above or anything, just some general info to point me in the right direction. I had some notes that I took about secret or harder to get items and I was going to include them but then I thought that discussing specifics like this might ruin the game for some and figured maybe it was best to leave them out. I also beat this game, which probably means that it is not very hard because I don't beat many games. :]