Author Topic: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes  (Read 1669 times)


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Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« on: September 16, 2015, 08:05:48 AM »
Working my way through the TG-16 library, I've seen a few patterns of late - there seem to be a lot of games where the difficulty goes from reasonable, even easy, to suddenly cripplingly difficult from one level to the next.  I'll share a few examples below, what other ones am I missing?

YO, BRO: You go from a handful of stationary hubs you have to defeat in one level to the dreaded Amoeba stage in the next.  Where to begin...the amoeba are EVERYWHERE and they split and multiply the longer they are around.  Normally you're killing around 6-8 enemies per level, but on this stage you'll kill at least 20 if you're ignoring saving kids and just going for the enemies.  Having a ton of enemies to kill is bad enough, but there are a bunch of other factors working against your favor as well.  There are now two dogs that, err, hound you down throughout, really slowing down your takedown of the amoebas.  What makes it worse is that the majority of amoeba are in the docks close to the water, where maneuvering is difficult without falling into the water and dying, and also you cannot kill them with a regular shot because they will be sheltered by the docks or posts.  Thus, the only way to really destroy all the enemies is to use your powerup weapons like the bazooka and homing missles - but those weapons are finite.  Realistically, you only have one shot to defeat the level.  If you come in with 17 lives that's fine, but once your stock of specialty ammo runs out (and this is assuming you've hoarded all the ammo from every level prior without ever using a single bullet) it will be impossible to complete the level and you will have to start over.  Lastly, you'll be making a dent on the amoeba and getting close to clearing the stage, but because of the sheer quantity of bad guys on this level your time will inevitably run out, causing the craters to start falling at a quick pace to the point where you'll be killed from above if not from all the other enemies on the ground before.  I really like this game despite the awkward controls, but the unreasonable difficulty spike on this level is maddening - I still can't get past it.  "You like pain?"

CYBER-CORE: Stages 1-6 are a breeze, possible to complete without dying even once.  Stage 7 becomes a little more challenging but it is still very beatable after a try or two once you learn the layout of the enemies.  Stage 8, though, is an all out struggle to survive as little homing blue stars come from every which direction to pulverize your ship.  It's waves upon waves of attrition until you're down to your last life trying to hang on - and then the final boss arrives, which has probably 3 times the hit points of any of the other bosses before him (her?).  Even when you learn the patterns of the blue stars and the way to dodge them, there's still a large element of luck and chance because of the sheer number of enemies.  It's brutal!

WORLD COURT TENNIS: I love this game, it's one of my favorites.  The quest mode is such a cool twist on the typical attack-based RPG.  Yet, the end boss is such a momentous increase in skill over everyone else you've played to that point that it nearly breaks the game for me.  The green king has this superhuman speed, both in movement on the court and the speed with which he serves the ball.  Even with all the extra powerups to slow his serve and increase your base stats, it's still a real workout, and the way the game makes you switch sides between sets makes it very tough to master (for me, I can keep up playing on the bottom, but when I'm at the top of the screen my timing gets all messed up).

What about you guys?
I'm a notorious strange man.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 09:21:32 AM »
Blazing Lazers does this, the first levels are a cake walk then brains can be a bit tricky, then the bubble stage unless you are fully powered than just FU for the rest....The same can be said for lords IF you do it clockwise, Also the end of gate is considerably harder than the core game itself.

JJ and Jeff and New Adventure island on the platforming side, it just gets stupid later on.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2015, 09:32:55 AM »
Hypernova Blast really ramps up the difficulty towards the end.  I can run through the first 175 levels or so without breaking a sweat, but it goes downhill fast for the final 25.
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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2015, 10:53:22 AM »
Exile Wicked Phenomenon.  I can't remember the boss it was cause I haven't played it in ages, but holy crap it took FOREVER to beat him.  Thank you WD for your code tweaks to make the game better for the player.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2015, 11:04:22 AM »
Super Star Soldier. The damn 4th stage boss kicks my ass every single time and I lose my stride completely. Though I may just be a giant baby and not even try after I get my ass beat by him.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2015, 11:55:07 AM »
Just recently 1cced super star soldier, the robot boss is tough but the difficulty also really spikes in the last few levels. I basically had to beat the game without dying because one death on the last few levels is really tough to recover from, and dying on one of the forms of the last boss makes the brain at the end super difficult with the basic weapon.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2015, 12:04:02 PM »
Blazing Lazers does this, the first levels are a cake walk then brains can be a bit tricky, then the bubble stage unless you are fully powered than just FU for the rest....

God damn bubbles...

The brains stage IMO are somewhat easy. The 5th stage... (The pyramid) level has been tough for me to get past. But Screw those damn bubbles man.... Also stage 6. That is pretty hard too.
Switchzx's amazing quote -
"I was starting with the hardest to get games first. I realized I was never going to get Magical Chase so gave up on it all, sold up and got out."

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Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2015, 12:04:12 PM »
GROLT: love the topic!

Yo Bro: there are HIDDEN stockpiles of weapons that might be useful in hoarding weapons for the tough stages. I wish Yo Bro was given a bit more play testing and tweaking because I really do think it could have been (half?) as fun as Zombies Are My Neighbors. This game made me cry back in the day. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PROGRESS, I thought. I have never beaten this game. I will, one day.

Cyber Core: I love the last stage. There is trick! You can actually dodge those tiny little bastards, even if you don't have a speed up, but you have to be "in the zone" and operating on pure nerve-reflex. My trick is that I DODGE BEFORE I THINK I NEED TO. WHICH MEANS THAT AS SOON AS ONE PIXEL OF ENEMY IS ON SCREEN, BE PREPARED FOR---> hard left or hard right, as needed. The music in that stage is glorious and I love it.

Blazing Lazers: The difficulty does ramp up (in the last stage or two?), but BL is easy for me, though I probably put a billion hours in the game. YOU DO NOT NEED FULL WEAPONS for last stage (or any stage). You just need to constantly adjust SPEED + strategize with your peashooter. I love that this game is brilliantly designed to allow you to continue with peashooter + skills. I posted my strategies on past oats, no need to repeat myself.

Super Star Soldier: definitely a bit more challenging than GunHed/Blazing Lazers, but not nearly as frustrating as Yo Bro!

New Adventure Island/JJ & Jeff: the final few boards get ridiculous with the platforming gymnastics! JJ&Jeff for example, has invisible blocks that you must kick (to make them appear, and hop on!) before the block below you disappears! Hudson allows you a few milliseconds to do this. Crazy stuff. Same for NAI: you have to pull off precise timing and expertly placed jumps to progress.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2015, 12:23:56 PM by esteban »
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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2015, 12:43:49 PM »
GROLT: love the topic!

Yo Bro: there are HIDDEN stockpiles of weapons that might be useful in hoarding weapons for the tough stages. I wish Yo Bro was given a bit more play testing and tweaking because I really do think it could have been (half?) as fun as Zombies Are My Neighbors. This game made me cry back in the day. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PROGRESS, I thought. I have never beaten this game. I will, one day.

Cyber Core: I love the last stage. There is trick! You can actually dodge those tiny little bastards, even if you don't have a speed up, but you have to be "in the zone" and operating on pure nerve-reflex. My trick is that I DODGE BEFORE I THINK I NEED TO. WHICH MEANS THAT AS SOON AS ONE PIXEL OF ENEMY IS ON SCREEN, BE PREPARED FOR---> hard left or hard right, as needed. The music in that stage is glorious and I love it.

Was there ever any kind of guide back in the day, like in a TurboPlay or some kind of hint book, for the hidden Yo, Bro rooms with the items?  I know where the first level one is and where the Amoeba one is because out of frustration and defeat I just through bombs all over the level hoping I'd be able to find a ton of loot to give me one more chance at them before having to reset (there's not nearly enough supply in that level's secret room to do much of anything, really).  I've been too lazy to find the other hidden rooms across the game, but a guide or a list with all the locations would be super helpful, and if there isn't one it might be something I make in the future.  I agree, it has the foundation for a fun game (and the chiptunes Beach Boys songs rule!), and even the clunky controls can be overlooked, but it shoots itself in the foot solely by being too difficult.  I always hate that when a perfectly playable game is ruined by something that could have been tweaked with the simple switching of one or two binary values to make the level playable.

For Cyber-Core, my technique to pass the level was to stay on and shoot up one side, and then when the remainder of the stars come from the other side just banana upwards to the top corner and back to dodge them.  I'm not good enough to do those tight little maneuvers when so much else is going on around me. 
I'm a notorious strange man.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2015, 01:46:51 PM »
exile:wp was a result of deadlines

Damon Plus

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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2015, 08:32:05 PM »
I agree with everything said about Blazing Lazers. Also, Legendary Axe gets noticeably tougher at level 5.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2015, 01:12:21 AM »
I wouldn't say Blazing Lazers has a difficulty "spike" per se.  I think it does a good job progressively integrating the difficulty increases over the course of the game. 


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2015, 04:15:43 AM »
I wouldn't say Blazing Lazers has a difficulty "spike" per se.  I think it does a good job progressively integrating the difficulty increases over the course of the game.

Idk... Level 8 is so damn hard... Maybe its just not be having ya know however long it takes me to get to that point often to devote to it daily, but damn is it tough. Maybe i am just butthurt or something from the unable to get past it. Because noob.
Switchzx's amazing quote -
"I was starting with the hardest to get games first. I realized I was never going to get Magical Chase so gave up on it all, sold up and got out."

Blueraven's quote - "it begins."


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2015, 06:43:34 AM »
Exile Wicked Phenomenon.  I can't remember the boss it was cause I haven't played it in ages, but holy crap it took FOREVER to beat him.  Thank you WD for your code tweaks to make the game better for the player.

Are you thinking about the boss in the Egyptian temple? I timed that one once and it took me a half an hour to beat him with Rumi. Same with the next to last boss who floated on a cloud.

I got the PC Engine version to compare difficulty. I beat the entire game in 2 hours.


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Re: Games with HUGE Difficulty Spikes
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2015, 01:54:47 PM »
F u RType level 5. Just go to hell you piece of @!#?@.

Oh, yeah, and Blazing Lazers too. Go burn with R-Type.

Oh, and hi peeps, I'm new here. The Turbo is rad and Lords of Thunder has an absolutely perfect difficulty curve if played clockwise.