1. I'm definitely not a Saber Rider enthusiast. I'm only here to OBEY.
2. The PCE game might be a entirely different game now, but that's not how it was billed in the KS campaign. I'm sure it'll still be fun and all, but why does it need to be something so different?
3. I don't see why it's nonsense to port a "16-bit game" to a 16-bit system. Stuff has to be down graded to fit the lesser specs, sure, but how's that different from what was done to port arcade games to consoles done back in the day?
It wasn't billed as an identical game in the KS. It was just mentioned as a "PC Engine version". I personally thought it was sort of implied the PCE one would be different. Not radically different, just different.
The reason it will likely be something different is more so it's in line with the PC Engine library and the expectations people may have there. I keep joking that I'll just release China Warrior with space suits. But really, I'd just rather make sure the game that we do feels like it belongs on the PCE.
This sort of thing isn't really out of the realm of normal anyways. Look at games like Pirates of Dark Water. SNES and Genesis had different games. They were both good.
Also, when I say it's "nonsense", I mean its not really porting, and the whole thing is going to be nonsense to sort out at first, lol.
It's a bit semantic-y but like, the whole thing's going to be redone from scratch. There's no code porting going on. This was a thing BITD also in some situations. You just get assets and have to eyeball a recreation to the best of the hardware's ability.
and, yeah... it's a "16 bit" game, but is being done on such modern hardware that it isn't *quite* the same, since a lot of restrictions no longer exist, so you end up with something that's like an extreme form of going from arcade to console, and in this case there will definitely be no reusable code, and alot of the visual stuff unfortunately isn't a thing on PCE unless you want to do some severe dicking around.
I would rather not have the gameplay suffer for the sake of recreating all of the visuals. Gameplay comes before eye candy.
Certain gameplay elements, at the time, (pokey touch screen first person stuff) just seemed out of the question on PCE because moving a crosshair around with a D-Pad is pretty shitty. Coming up with a PCE alternative to stuff like that seems fair.
I do wonder if you're not working on it until they're done because you as well lack faith in the project as a whole, as if the game is 100% a rebuild and different original, I am missing what is preventing the PCE project from getting underway.
I'm finishing Inferno for MSX2. That takes precedence.
When talks of this came up, I told them I would not start on anything until:
1) Inferno is done
2) Everythings sorted and we know what we will be doing.
I don't like working on 900 things at once. Inferno is not done, and point 2 is still being hashed out. I rarely start more than one thing at a time. It bugs me to have too many things going simultaneously.
I've prototyped and experimented with a few things, thought about some others, and at least have some plans drafted out. But, finishing Inferno is thing-to-do-first.
I also want to wait for more assets to bounce in and be finalized, so we don't start planning for one thing, and then go "ah f*ck" when the art direction/tiles/etc. change to where an idea no longer works.
Going backwards to lesser hardware with only one BG plane involves a bit of planning.
I'll point out too: We were brought on near the end of the KS. We're essentially hired/liscened out help once things get moving. So, as excited as I am to work on something like this once it gets moving, Aetherbyte did not have much of a hand in the planning or the KS. We were approached and asked and said sure, that seems like it will be fun.
Also, the PCE version almost didn't make it. Things changed, and then IIRC, Watermelon ponied up more money. Otherwise, there wasn't going to even be one for PCE!
(I think it was a stretch goal, but then got stuck into a normal role)
That's given me a lasting disrespect for those that "talk-the-talk" but can't "walk-the-walk".
You mean like your old pal Simon that you built up a bit and talked about like some comical, great character while stepping on others, out of ignorance? Seems like he tripped while walking the walk.
So what is it. do you respect the guy, or what? He doesn't seem to fit your criteria for respect, yet your tales and excitement about him say otherwise.
Actually ... getting stuff done on time, to the best quality that was achievable within the resources/timescale, and then poking fun at those people/teams that couldn't do so ... is pretty-much a definition of what it was like to be a "professional" back then.
Well, a strong liver helped, too.
Sorry if that doesn't match your expectations, in the modern "everyone-gets-a-prize" culture.
By your own definition, this person is/was not operating as a professional, outside of the acting like a douchebag part, since they delivered garbage while squandering pay.
Also, I don't know where/how an "everyone gets a prize" ageism statement is even relevant here. Hint: It isn't. That's just more of you doing you.
I work around professionals all day, most of whom are older than me. It's a multi billion dollar, global company. It's got nothing to do with "everyone gets a prize" and everything to do with "not being a tool". You can get away with being a chucklef*ck in a small company when you're on some smaller team. That shit doesn't fly in large ass companies. You get shown the door pretty quickly.
(and see, I can actually answer without taking offense at your attempt at a dig) ...
Good for you. I wonder how much of that is because you 1) like talking about yourself/your tales and 2) it allows you to reply in this manner.
Also, you severely misunderstand what caused me to lash out. You didn't actually take a dig at me. Nothing you said offended *me* directly. Your attitude and statements about Simon in comparison to other things is what set me off. None of that really has much to do with me.
He's a 2D sprite artist of reasonable-but-not-stunning quality in a 3D art world.
What I want to know is, whether the job was/is getting done, and how well.
Your sure seemed to enjoy reminiscing about your old buddy while shitting all over someone you don't know, regarding a project you don't care about.
Now, your tune seems to have changed slightly since it turns out Simon is indeed a knob.
And, as we've discovered: He was doing a shit job, while hoovering money. So, good ol' Simon contributed to problems with the project.
Lesson learned: Some legends are real f*ckholes.
You want the artist to draw both directions anyway unless you're going to go-cheap and sprite-flip (which there's no reason to do anymore).
I figured that out 20-seconds after hearing it come up in Simon's video.
He's an amusing bastidge, but sometimes he needs someone strong-willed enough to argue with him.
That requires both people-skills and management capability from the "lead" on the team.
Yeah, what does that say if you and I, both non-artists, can see how stupid the artist is being?
It sounds like things were managed decently from the management side, and sounds more like Simon's just a stubborn, clueless dick who draws awkward looking sprites in the first place.
As noted, there's a reason why he got shit canned. He copped an attitude, sucked up money, and sucked at his job.
I think the overall lesson here is, maybe you should figure out who/what the f*ck it is you're talking about before you kick into your rocking-chair-on-the-porch glory days nonsense especially when you're going to dump all over one side, and sort of sample the taste of your foot in the process.
You have this fantastic tendency to do that crap, and then hop around like a mad scientist, all giddy that you've got someone like me riled up in the process. It's funny when you're making fun of MML or something, but less funny when you're dumping on actual people who have reasonable excuses for things going on with a project.
Nope, I didn't back it. I have zero interest in the TV show, or in the licensed-product that was being sold.
What I do have an interest in, is the continued erosion of trust in KickStarter as a platform that people who-actually-have-a-clue can go to in order to get their projects realized.
So you're not so much excited to watch the thing unfold from the standpoint of wanting the end product. You just want to watch it unfold from a KS observational standpoint. Got it. Does that mean your excitement and "looking forward to it" remarks towards the project owner are sort of just BS?
Some people apparently need to grow the f*ck up.
Yourself included?
The project isn't doing bad. It's actually doing fine, especially compared to how other KSs have gone.
Mighty No. 9 still hasn't given me the shit I PAID for, and hasn't replied either, despite 10 inquiries from me over the past year.
So, I paid money for a game that is done now, and I've not gotten what I paid for. That's the kind of shit you should be pissing and moaning about, not a smaller scale licensed project that is producing WIPs, getting Steam Greenlighted, and seems to be on the up and up despite some recent suckage in the real life department.
I think that you've managed to do a very good job here of showing which of us has a "delicate ego".
Honestly, this really has nothing to do with a delicate ego. I am not a competitive person. I just don't really respond well to people doing sort of idiotic and/or douchey things like throwing people under the bus with little reasoning.
I don't care if people ask questions about this thing, or complain about it. I really don't. Ask away, as people have.
I actually talked about it on video, posted here in response to your inquiry, and have talked about it in chats and other places when people ask ask me either in private or in groups or whatever. It's fine since the questions are usually like, thoughtful?
My problem is that you do this thing where you talk about yourself (lol, the irony with this whole ego bit), and then use it/your anecdotes to shit all over people and talk shit as it seems convenient for the situation. It's lame.
Besides, this has nothing to do with *my* ego, because as I said before: the thing that pissed me off was you shitting all over someone else while talking about a dickhead and patting yourself on the back, in an environment where I'm not so sure you realized the person was going to see and reply.
I don't really sit back and keep quiet when people do shit like that, because it's bogus.
Again, you didn't take a dig at me. You didn't make fun of my work or abilities. You used a little bias to talk about Simon as the OK party while throwing someone else under the bus. Maybe your actual tone and intent was not what I read. Just like maybe you're reading my tone different than I intend. f*ck if I know. None of this really changes the uncool nature of throwing people under the bus with little to go off of.
looking back at the thread, I think the biggest takeaway is that ballsack with eyes comment I made. That's still cracking me up.