Thanks again, Black Tiger and Necromancer. I had a couple of those on my watch list. They mostly had at least $10 shipping, which isn't bad from Japan, and are/were pretty fair prices. It was awfully thoughtful of you to take the time to link to them here.
I'm just gonna keep my eyes on eBay, and will get one soon.
Nullity: Geez, I'm really sorry if I had the nerve to ask if anyone here knew of any other places to get this stuff. Obviously everyone has been into collecting PCE for years as you have. I've been collecting mostly Sega for years, I have over a dozen game consoles and have been following the games industry as a fan and collector since the 1980s. My first console was Pong. I really enjoy my Atari XE, I have two Genesis consoles so I don't have to swap out my Power Base converter with the 32X. I'm not trying to make myself look like a bad-ass (I collect videogames for crying out loud . . .), but I do know my way around this hobby. I am, however, new to THIS particular corner of our world, and there are always folks who have been doing it longer who will know things I don't.
So, in conclusion, thanks again, nice people!