Author Topic: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder  (Read 1228 times)


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2015, 04:17:53 PM »
Darn it.  Good advice came rolling in, so now I have to actually try and beat it.  :D 

If I manage it, I will feel like a major boss for finally finishing an old school shooter without cheat codes.  Why do I suck so bad at dodging stupid little projectiles?!  If I can beat the Makaimura games and stuff like Battletoads, surely I can beat this... right?


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2015, 05:19:08 PM »
I just finished capping and RGB modding my TurboDuo and what better game to christen it than LoT!!


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2015, 10:18:43 PM »
Hell yeah!  Nice.  Welcome btw.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2015, 10:23:25 PM »
Lords of Thunder is one of the most perfect video games ever, right up there with the best of them.

I see so many peeps label it as an "easy" shooter, but it seems they equate easy to "can be beaten without becoming OCD with the game". I find that the game requires some dedication in order to crack, in order to learn patterns of tricky sections and develop strategies to get around them, and most importantly, how to utilize your money the best. But it doesn't require a PHD in LOT to beat.

Now, to the folks who are saying the game is hard, I'll outline my basic strategy of armor, level and money usage to start out:

-Always start in the default desert Dezant level. Pick Earth Armor. Spend 200C on Level 2 Life Orb, 100C on an extra bomb. This level is easy, so memorize it well and make sure you come out of it maxed out, or as close to max life/power as possible, so you don't have to break the bank for the next level. Stay on the top of the level until you shoot fireballs diagonally up and be patient with the boss, moving up and down to dodge the energy balls and flame.Until I got better and could do the levels in any order, I would just start over if I didn't have everything maxed upon finishing this level, but its not absolutely necessary, as you should come out of it with at least 2,000C.

***After Dezant, make sure you ALWAYS spend money to max out life and get level 2 shield. All my strategies revolve around this simple pattern***

-Now pick Cielom. I always choose Water armor for this level, as when its on level 3 power, it shoots backwards, which helps tremendously in the first 2/3 of the level. The important thing with this armor is to be in the green range power level, so if you didn't come out in this range in hte previous level, spend your money to do so. MAke sure to max out your life (be wise with money, count the bars to get to max, as its usually unnecessary to spend 500C on Max Life Orb...), max out your bombs and buy the Level 2 Shield. This is one of the hardest levels, but dont spend your money on continues just yet, so if you die, start over.

-If you come out well (meaning, level 3 power and close to max life) in Cielom, pick Helado and Water Armor. Otherwise, choose Auzal and Earth Armor. Auzal is easy (except the boss can be a bitch sometimes), so you'll only have to spend money on maxing out your life and getting level 2 shield, since earth armor at level 1 will suffice.

-The rest of the levels are Water Armor and all maxs. I usually leave Llamarada last, as the boss can be unpredictable, so you might need to use a continue here...

-For the last level, pick Earth Armor, max Life+Shield and get the Elixir.

-Next, try the game in Hard. The boss patterns are much trickier and it feels almost like a new game!!

I love this game, it is the reason I got into the Turbo/PCE!


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2015, 01:30:29 AM »
LoT really isn't a game that needs strategy.  It's not that hard to get passed the levels no matter what armor you are using.  I just start with Dezant and use fire, then rotate the levels in a clockwise motion.  Same thing with the armor.  If I want a challenge I just don't buy anything in the store and rely on power-ups in the levels.  Only time I buy stuff in the store is if I am playing it on the hardest setting.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2015, 03:07:49 AM »
One of the best shooters of all time for sure.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2015, 04:47:01 PM »
Lords will definitely get some play here at my house this week.  Such an amazing game!

I was just watching the promo VHS tape for it a few days ago. Love the random vehicle stunts thrown in:


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2015, 09:43:55 PM »
That's my submission for the open slot in GOTW, simple but good.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 11:57:09 AM by Punch »


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2015, 03:15:56 AM »
This is definitely one that I would love to own for myself. Even though I'm not great at shooters, I do love to play them. I usually don't have the patience to learn the more intricate and complicated scoring systems and bullet patterns, but I'll sure see how far I can get with just gut reflexes.



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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2015, 05:32:19 AM »
I'm not OBEY enough yet to own this on the Turbo, but I do have the SEGA CD version and fired it up this morning in this thread's honor.  What a rush.  Not a big metal fan but the music is undeniably epic and fits the godly tone perfectly.  Loved the layouts of the levels and the enemy assortment and design - it never feels repetitive and has a nice mix of dodging portions and blast everything sequences.  The shops make it a pretty easy game, which you won't hear any about complaints from me.  I was able to pass every level on the first try save for the last level that you can select clockwise.  Still, it was such a fun ride I went at it again right after using a different forms (I used Earth for the first playthrough).  Looking forward to trying it out again with all the different forms.  This is a game I can see myself coming back to often when I'm in for a quick fix of awesomeness.  Thanks for getting me to play it with this thread, guys, and now I'm even more remorseful that I was the runner up in that Gates of Thunder raffle...gotta get myself that one right away now.

How does Gates stack up to this?
I'm a notorious strange man.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2015, 05:49:04 AM »
Gate of Thunder to me plays/controls better.  I would say GoT is the better game, but might not have as much of a wow factor for some.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2015, 06:13:20 AM »
Gate of Thunder to me plays/controls better.  I would say GoT is the better game, but might not have as much of a wow factor for some.

I might fall in this camp, I was infatuated with all of the Duo pack-ins when I got them and played GoT a ton, so it has a lot of nostalgia factored in for me.  I didn't get LoT until 2010 or something like that so it doesn't have that going for it.  I like the music more in GoT, too.  Lords is definitely a great looking game and I think I need to just put some more time in it though.  I am not sure why we compare them so much - is it the "... of Thunder" moniker?  I know Red Company developed them both, are they considered to be loosely related?  I feel like besides being horizontal shooters, they are fairly different.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2015, 07:38:27 AM »
Yes this game truly is pure awesome, the colors to the sprite animations and the insanely awesome soundtrack. I can manage to get sorta far on my own skill, but I have to use that cheat code to be able to make it to the final boss.


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2015, 09:25:49 AM »
She's seems only vulnerable when she opens her mouth. 

Words to live by.  I'm in the camp that Lords is my fave shooter of all time.  Not to say it's a "better" game than Gate of Thunder, but it's just so unique that I can honestly say there's NOTHING like it on any console.

Love this game so much!!


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Re: (10/17/2015 - 10/23/2015) Game of the Week: Lords of Thunder
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2015, 04:25:28 PM »
That's my submission for the open slot in GOTW, simple but good.

Consider it done, good sir! :D

Other members, please don't hesitate to make submissions!