Author Topic: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?  (Read 1489 times)


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Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:58:52 AM »
Does having either of these cards help games that normally don't use them in any way?

Also... Is the Stryder game worth the investment?

Out of all the games that can utilize the Arcade cards what ones do you feel are must plays?


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2015, 05:01:48 AM »
Sapphire for sure.

I have yet to play Strider.  From what I hear it has a Turbo exclusive stage.  If your into Strider I would say yes it's worth it.  Remember you can burn these discs and play from a CDr to try before you buy.  Sapphire is a $500 game so CDr is more feasible for most.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2015, 05:03:33 AM by tbone3969 »
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2015, 05:08:00 AM »
Many CD games are bi-compatible. Some CD2 games are thought to run "better" (fewer loadings) when played with a System 3+ card and the same for many SCD games played with an Arcade Card. Some SCD games like 3x3 Eyes may have improved content when played in ACD mode.

Strider is a big partially completed mess.

The best ACD games which justify the Arcade Card:

Kabuki Itouryoden
Art of Fighting
Fatal Fury Special
World Heroes 2

Another great game which doesn't seem to make much use from the extra space of the Arcade Card is Madou Monogatari.

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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2015, 05:15:02 AM »
I bought the Arcade Duo card for my Duo-R earlier this summer. I have Fatal Fury Special and Art of Fighting. I'm thinking World Heroes next but now I want to look up all that are mentioned here.


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2015, 05:40:28 AM »
There are some games that say 16meg compatible (Wizardry 3&4) that help reduce loading times. Kind of weird that they aren't officially listed, but there you go..


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 05:45:00 AM »
A console game from this era consumes the exact same amount of RAM in exactly the same way every time they load. Unless a game is specifically written to use the extra RAM of the Arcade/Super cards then they never will. The card itself is such a minor upgrade to your PCE that you can't even tell its there unless you have compatible software. It changes the BIOS screen not one bit, still says 3.0. Even verifying the card is seated correctly can be tricky on a Duo since you get the same boot screen every time regardless. You can only tell it's not working right if, when you go to run an Arcade Card game, it gives you an error screen.

Arcade Card CDROM2 games (as defined by the logo on the spine) require the card and won't run without it.

Super CDROM2 games require the Super System Card to run but in some cases they will have slight improvements if you run with the AC. Examples of these games: 3x3 Eyes, Flash Hiders, Guliver Boy, Linda3. For the most part the AC enhancements with these games are mild, sometimes almost impossible to detect. Sometimes the difference is extremely obvious (the intro to 3x3 eyes). These game will all say Super on the spine but might have Arcade Card logos on the case or in the manual.

The Arcade Card is an AMAZING thing, but sadly it was very under utilized. Most of what it did at the time was make for extremely impressive Neo Geo ports compared to the other systems of the time. Compared to the SFC/MD/MCD versions of Fatal Fury Special the PCE one absolutely rules, no question. However, one can get an actual Fatal Fury Special MVS cart for $5 nowadays (at one point, $700) so the AC advantage has sorta expired in the SNK world. Also, they really only did this with the first Neo fighter boom. You can't get Viewpoint or Pulstar or Windjammers, just some old fighters that aren't even in the top ten best Neo Fighters list anymore...ok, maybe FFS is still top ten. World Heroes 2 certainly isn't though.

So the best AC software now would be the exclusives and that list is really short, with Sapphire at the top. That leaves us with six other games...Kabuki is decent, one of the better PCE fighters for sure, but not totally amazing. The rest are either mediocre wrestling, heavy in Japanese, or an uneven port of Strider.

The most technically impressive game on the system is Sapphire, and any PCE fan would want to see that. Sapphire however, while amazing, isn't very inspired and IMO isn't as good as several other PCE shooters like Gate of Thunder, Lords of Thunder, and the Solider games. If Sapphire were a 3DO game it would be totally worth getting, but the PCE is already overrun with amazing shooters. 

So basically buy it to play Sapphire and compare how the intro of 3x3 Eyes runs with or without it. That's what most of us have done with our Arcade Cards.


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 05:50:43 AM »
Mad Stalker, Kabuki Itouryoden, Sapphire, and Strider are all worth a look, as are 3x3 Eyes and Gulliver Boy (bi-compatible games).  Most of the bi-compatible games just use the extra ram as a cache so it doesn't have to reload different areas as often, so don't expect much by way of graphical improvements
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 05:58:36 AM »
Well, I just grabbed an Arcade Card Duo on the gasp.... ebay. Was the cost of a game brand new $55 so I won't have any remorse.

I skipped the Card + Strider for $130 as I can always get Strider later on if I like it. I'm not really a collector but I need the card to at least experience some of these titles. Now... to order my region mod ... :)

BTW, thanks for all the game names. I will be checking them out asap when I get the card.


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2015, 06:02:13 AM »
Mad Stalker, Kabuki Itouryoden, Sapphire, and Strider are all worth a look, as are 3x3 Eyes and Gulliver Boy (bi-compatible games).  Most of the bi-compatible games just use the extra ram as a cache so it doesn't have to reload different areas as often, so don't expect much by way of graphical improvements

I gotta try that game Mad Stalker.  Looks really cool.  Is that Konami?
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2015, 08:06:43 AM »
I wish.


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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2015, 08:34:17 AM »
My favorites are Kabuki Ittouryoudan and Mad Stalker. Kabuki mainly because I am a big fan of the Tengai Makyou Far East of Eden series (this game takes its roster primarily from Kabuki Den) and is a fairly solid fighter. Sapphire is good, yes but it's not the best PCE shooter imo. Not to mention you'll be hard pressed to find a copy of it unless you're burning it. The Neo Geo ports are also very good and the best ports of those games for their time.
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2015, 08:50:34 AM »
Isn't there some Japanese all female wrestling game that use the Arcade Card?
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2015, 09:43:50 AM »
For reference I figure I'll post this mess here.  I compiled a list of Arcade CDs a while ago, these were pretty easy to find so I'm pretty sure it's right:

Art of Fighting
Battlefield '94   
Fire Pro Female Wrestling
Fatal Fury 2
Fatal Fury Special   
Jong Shin Densetsu
Kabuki Itouryodan
Mad Stalker Full Metal Force
Madou Monogatari
World Heroes 2

The list of Super CD games that take advantage of Arcade Card if it's present I'm less confident in.  Flash Hiders states in the manual that it takes advantage of the ACD even though there's no ACD logo on the front of the manual.  What that tells me is that even though I have the complete list of SCD+ACD via logo on the manual, I may still not know exactly which ones take advantage of the additional space if found.  That being said, if anyone knows of any others feel free to tell me how I'm wrong and dumb!

3 x 3 Eyes Sanjiyan Hensei      
Atlas Renaissance Voyager      
Eikan Wa Kimini               
Flash Hiders               
Formation Soccer '95         
Gulliver Boy               
J. League Tremendous Soccer '94   
Linda Cube                  
Mahjong Sword Princess Quest   
Popful Mail                  
Princess Maker 2            
Private Eye Doll            
Sexy Idol Mahjong Fashion      
Sotsugyou II Neo Generation      
Super Real Mahjong P II & III   
Super Real Mahjong P V Custom   
Tanjou Debut               
Vasteel 2                  
Wrestling Angels Double Impact    

As for a recommendation?  Honestly, so many of these games can be had for pretty cheap.  If you can get any for around $10 or less I figure you'll at least get that much enjoyment out of every game on the list.  That being said, last weekend I ran through Popful Mail again after reading thread about it and had as much fun this time as I did the first time I played it.  Check the game out; it is Loads of fun.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 09:46:52 AM by seieienbu »
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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2015, 07:33:49 AM »
Since you are all talking about the Arcade Card, I was curious about something and hope someone can clarify or give advice.

The Arcade card (Duo or Pro) is meant to give extra RAM to a PCE CDRom unit or PCE Duo unit. With the PCE Duo already having Super System CD card RAM built into the console, could you mod a PCE Duo to include the added RAM needed to operate Arcade Card games?

Note: I have no idea how this would work, or if someone else has already tried it. It's just a random thought concerning the Arcade Card I wanted to throw out.

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Re: Arcade Card Pro / Duo & recomends?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2015, 08:21:42 AM »
Since you are all talking about the Arcade Card, I was curious about something and hope someone can clarify or give advice.

The Arcade card (Duo or Pro) is meant to give extra RAM to a PCE CDRom unit or PCE Duo unit. With the PCE Duo already having Super System CD card RAM built into the console, could you mod a PCE Duo to include the added RAM needed to operate Arcade Card games?

Note: I have no idea how this would work, or if someone else has already tried it. It's just a random thought concerning the Arcade Card I wanted to throw out.

Like many mods it is possible, but not worth the effort.

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