Turbografx homebrew seems to still be in it's infancy and sadly the majority of homebrews cater to CD-ROM crowd which I cannot afford the add-on or a Duo.
A lot of homebrew, the 8 and 16bit era, seems to be trending towards profit nowafays. As in, the rom isn't released for free. Not all homebrew, obviously, but a good amount. So a flashcard won't help you in that respect.
I've tested a lot of WIP homebrews using flashcarts on my Atari. If it's good, I usually end up buying it when it comes out. Ditto for NES titles. Oftentimes with NES there is a demo ROM with just the first level playable.
Many games are also now being released on custom flash mappers instead of recycled old Nintendo PCBs. This makes piracy difficult because the custom mappers aren't supported on flash carts or popular emulators, which is fine by me. Pirating 20 year old games because they are too rare or expensive is one thing; pirating newly released homebrews is just douchey.
The Santatlantean demo was very fun and the mechanics were great. Since it uses the same engine, it's enough for me to know Atlantean is gold. I messaged the person doing the Atlantean homebrews as to when another batch would come out. I enjoy supporting the community but it appears they are all gone atm.
Sorry if I'm going off topic. Krikzz is adding the RAM into the v2 Everdrives so future advanced homebrews may take advantage of, but more compatibility problems arise. I'll probably buy an adapter eventually to play Japanese games, but as Krikzz said some region mods don't behave nicely with the v2 Everdrives and I'm wondering if the Obey mod is one of them. If the Hucard RAM uses a bidirectional bus, it might cause problems with the region select chip whereas a straight wired adapter would pass the signal both ways. Forgive me but I'm a little ignorant on how the RAM is utilized.