Got mine a few days ago, thanks again Bernie and for everything you've done for me over the years!!!! I mean that! You look out for your homies, a rare quality these days!
That $170 you raised from folks on my behalf puts a good dent in one of the greatest mistakes in my lifetime that I have to live with, the $550 I donated to that m0therf--ker Jeff "DeuceBag" Nussbaum as both a wedding gift (7-7-2007) and donation/profit sharing... I guess if I add that with galam, bigus, technozombie, with Professor's previous donation drive, it's at least 75% recovered...
So yeah, on paper, I basically paid him $550 to, a) almost libel me in a GamesTM mag issue which editors luckily cut so it got left in a HardcoreGaming101 post thanks to Psycho John Schizomaniak, b) figure out how to manually port every last Ys translated result from our fan translation projects to XSEED Games in secret, pocket 100% credit/profit, then sit there year after year after year playing stupid like he suddenly lost all my contact info, c) cheat me for a 2nd time after I got in touch with XSEED's veep at the time, Ken Berry, and almost got him to correct the crediting, but him reporting back to me that DeuceBag was "adamant" my "work" wasn't used so his position was he cheated me fair and square when the whole issue is reduced to a f--king typing game and not work hours much less using my translation software one last time for commercial purposes...
It does remind me though, it's time for me to break my direct silence to him. I started writing up an email to him to formally demand back my $550... He pocketed everything with XSEED, ensured I was cheated from crediting both times, he and his disgusting, bigoted newfound pals got to demonize me as a profiteer all the while privately he thanked me for paying that month's rent... So I took all the heat from the troll monsters of GameFAQs/4chan in how I raised the money with the Felghana patch, he played both sides in terms of PR, then threw me under the bus for not working fast enough for him on Ys Origin and because Thomas Lipschultz plus his programmer gave him a redirect double-cross opportunity, the same exact thing he pulled off when he got hired by XSEED...
But there I am, a horrible judge of character that subsidized the bastard to make a fool of me and nobody can really tell me how to undo this... Of my MANY mistakes, I never should've lobbied/pestered for his return for Ys II Complete and Ys IV, but I tried 3 other translators and couldn't get them to finish/work on it... If only I knew SamIAm from back then, I could've cut all relations with him after Ys I Complete... I would've stopped him from gaining anything from XSEED and he wouldn't get to portray himself as a hero for one project he essentially tricked me into working on... He doesn't deserve any of it, he's a pure bigoted, callous monster that fooled me for years...
/end tangent
Anyway, I would thank Bonknuts for the Dracula X translation project (he has a Paypal donate BTW, so feel free to help him out! He donated $50 to me BITD, so stand up guy!) but it appears I got a regular unpatched Japanese one... That's no fun... I want the one that makes BurntLasagna angry.