Author Topic: Turbob Xpress: Bringing affordable "gamer's" games to the community! Nearly Gone  (Read 33388 times)

Koa Zo

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Recieved an exciting package of 5 discs yesterday. Thanks so much to all involved!
Now I have to pack up some Sega gear and make room for the DuoR.
Maybe I will OBEY in 2016.


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I received mine too!
Let's keep on playing!
thanks to everyone involved!


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Got my discs. Thanks Berns! I plan to make this the cover for my case in honor of Bernus.


retro junkie

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Tomorrow is the first day for the beginning of my Holidays time off. It will begin early in the morning, OBEY!!   :clap:

Thank you for all involved for making this possible.


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Got my discs. Thanks Berns! I plan to make this the cover for my case in honor of Bernus.




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Got my discs. Thanks Berns! I plan to make this the cover for my case in honor of Bernus.

I gotta admit....this is funny.


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My daughter thanks you Bernie.  She loves Bonk 3 CD.

"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


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I ordered a copy of dungeon explorer II

I wish I had ordered it with my original order....


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Anyway, I would thank Bonknuts for the Dracula X translation project (he has a Paypal donate BTW, so feel free to help him out! He donated $50 to me BITD, so stand up guy!) but it appears I got a regular unpatched Japanese one... That's no fun... I want the one that makes BurntLasagna angry. :)

Thanks to those that offered me one, but looks like I just got fooled by the CD label... Tobias didn't bother to change much between the Japanese and English patched versions... The English patched version still keeps the 'X' on the CD label and all he added is "PCE Works" to it as well as Bernie just pointed out to me... Pffffft. So yeah, Bernie hooked me up after all!

So anyway, yes, thanks be to Bonknuts for his hacking prowess/work on this, even though Tobias pressed it onto a nice CD-ROM without permission/support. ;)

Since the man is too humble, I will do it for him here. This is his Donation Page, so if you wanna buy him a beer, here ya go:

Quote from: Bonknuts
You can donate to my site/projects/whatever via paypal. Just use the email address Of course, remove the underscores (as in “”). Set the type of ‘payment’ as ‘gift’.

So his same email address is tied to his Paypal account.

Thanks for posting this NightWolve  I just sent Bonknuts a donation.  Pretty awesome job he did on that translation.

I'm glad someone noted my random solicitation on his behalf and threw him a bone! Posts in this thread will easily get lost given the attention its gotten, so not really the best place to help somebody out like that, but yeah, thanks (whoever you are) and good looking out! Like I said, he donated $50 to me back in the day even while he was on hard times himself and did other things he earned my respect for!


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NW: I can't believe you remembered that. Hah! $50 was no where near enough though; my sons and I played the hell out of the PC translations you did of Ys. For my youngest son, the translated Ys I/II PC and Oath of Felghana are probably the most memorable games of his childhood.


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I am new to these forums. I am a longtime gamer who has been collecting for everything since childhood. Turbo has always had a special place in my heart for its unique offerings and the fact that it was prohibitively expensive for me as a young teen. I am glad to be part of this now, and am glad to have had access to the second batch. If only I had been around for the first. Y'all can count me in for any further rounds, as Turbo stuff is near mythologically rare up here in Maine.


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I am new to these forums. I am a longtime gamer who has been collecting for everything since childhood. Turbo has always had a special place in my heart for its unique offerings and the fact that it was prohibitively expensive for me as a young teen. I am glad to be part of this now, and am glad to have had access to the second batch. If only I had been around for the first. Y'all can count me in for any further rounds, as Turbo stuff is near mythologically rare up here in Maine.

Welcome to Pcenginefx!

So, when did you get into The TurboGrafx, and what are some of your favorite games for it?


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Welcome Senna!
Keith Courage is #1. Alpha Zone inhabitant for life. Thanks to this forum for rejuvenating and continuing my interest in all things Obey.


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Godzilla manual and insert ready to ship.

It's an unwritten law in Japan that every shooter series has to have it's own ''parody''


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Godzilla manual and insert ready to ship.

Holy ballsacks, is that a full repro manual? Any chance you could do an OG back for it? Might want.

PS Ever think about doing a full manual jobbes for Terraforming? Was totally gonna buy the real deal from bardoly, but I think he doesn't find me attractive enough to sell me things anymore. Well, either that or he hates me. :(