I always viewed this as crazy bullshit conceived and propagated by foil-hat nutters... but it is real. It has happened to me twice this year... most recently last night (or mybe this morning). I don't remember any of it so I am hoping to access repressed memory of the events by opening a dialog on the topic with other pcefxers who may have had similar experiences.
The first time was back in March. I had been drinking and don't even remember going to sleep, but when I woke up my head was killing me and i had lost an hour. My bedside alarm had gone off, but it was already late in the morning somehow so i had to race around to get ready that morning. I initially shrugged it off as an electronic glitch or something... until it happened again just now.
This second experience is very similar. Drinking. Not remembering going to sleep. Waking with a headache. But this time the aliens returned me to the incorrect point in the 4th dimension. For the layman, the sent me -back- in time. I know this because my phone never left my pocket, and it is an hour behind the vcr and microwave (which most certainly styed in the house). I am scared shitless that I will encounter myself, the "me" who truly belongs in this point of time. Shit would cause a paradox, no? Spacetime rip or something?
Anyway, to keep this scientific, I am going to look only at the commonalities between the two AAE [Alien Abduction Event]:
- alcohol in blood
- memory loss
- time travel (both positive and negative vectors)
- headache
This is the data I have at this point. Does anyone else have any AAE experiences to share? If you're worried about the FAA or military eavesdropping, I suggest you register an alt and post through a proxy server. Please don't let fear or government intimidation silence you. We need to get the truth out about AAE and Chronodisplacement Syndrome.