Tatsujin: That would be "Dark City" and yes, that's the fastest track in GoT and really fits the frantic pace I believe the designers were trying to portray. Just about every track in that game is pretty rockin' but I myself am particularly partial to the final level's music (Crown Core), although it's certainly not the hardest track (although certainly the hardest level) in the game.
Holy shit. I got GoT from in the mail from Radio Shack in 97 and when I first made it to Dark City I practically shit my pants. The music and energy of that level blows me away even today. Everytime I beat Dark City I find the last level to be too hard and not exciting enough to be worth the effort. I usually lose patience and turn the game off after I lose my power-ups.
Camp California is awesome. I picked it up sometime recently for $20 on ebay. After years of scoffing the Beach Boys this game made me realize that they totally rule.
Shadow of the Beast is worth it for the music alone; especially tracks 1 and 4 on the sound test.
I remember really digging the music on Exile 2 when I was playing it last fall, but I can't get the sound test to work right now.
Cotton has some sweet tunes. I haven't played to far into it yet but I like the music on the 2nd level a lot.
After listening to the music on Lot and GoT of years, the Super Raiden soundtrack is my current favorite. It's not the most metal, but I keep pulling the game off the shelf again and again just because the music is so catchy.
Bloody Wolf has my favorite Turbo Chip music. Totally puts me in the mood to blast through barricades on a motorcycle and stab some terrorists.
On a side note, I remember my friend's mom prevented him from buying Bloody Wolf at Toys R Us in 92 because it looked too violent. Pretty funny thinking about that now.