You really have to be...dumb...honestly, to get into AES at this point. Ten years ago it was a rich idiots game, now it's just idiots period. The only lure (supposedly) of the much more expensive AES is that it's so exclusive and exciting and "I always wanted one back in the day" and all that f*cktarded superficial horseshit, but with pirate carts showing up all over the place now you're essentially paying a premium for a level of exclusivity you can't even rely on. I suppose you could limit yourself to games so worthless that nobody would ever pirate them...but do you need to blow hundreds of bucks to play 3 Count Bout?
That, and with the amount of modification needed to get decent video and two good sticks with an AES is pretty silly. Even if you are one of those guys who's occasionally asking here about how to get the non-f*cked up version of Metal Slug on their POS multi-cart, you're still going to need a Neo Bitz/JROK, a UniBIOS, and some parts for sticks. You might as well invest that into a CMVS by any measure.