Author Topic: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??  (Read 710 times)


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Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:44:41 PM »
Just wondering if anyone on here has experienced any issues with the new 2.4... A few guys having issues on the Facebook turbo Grafx page.... One having crashing issues when he loads the roms ... And another guy his crashed all together and he can only get a white screen out of it.... My 2.4 has been ordered and will be given to me for Christmas and just wondering if I will have any issues...


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 11:45:33 PM »
That guys issue is most likely his region mod.  The one with crashing roms, what rom set is he using?  That makes a difference.  All that stuff is covered in depth in RetroGates forums.  I have a 2.4 now, but havent used it yet, so it could be  board issue, but I think the new  boards covered all the issues from the first version of 2.

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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2015, 12:24:54 AM »
Ok awesome... Yeah not sure which files he used... I know which ones I am using so that shouldn't be an issue


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2015, 01:14:38 AM »
I put down for a TED 2.4 yesterday. I have been considering getting a couple more for my brothers. Then do a big burning disc session and giving my brothers TED's, Duo's and as many burned games as possible for xmas.

So yeah, when I get mine I will let you know with the few consoles I have here right now if there are any issues.
I can test it on a SuperGrafx with Super CD-Rom 2, Duo-R with a region mod, Duo-R without region mod, a PCE Duo and a US Duo.

I am mostly curious if it works correctly with the region modded Duo-R as I wired the 5v to the HuCard slot pin and not at the 7805.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2015, 06:13:51 AM »
I have a V2.4 . Arrived Tuesday.

Ok on a Duo-R.

I have noticed that when it boots there is a pause with a white screen then the list loads up.

It could be a SD issue if it's stuck on a white screen.
I had several that would not work with it.
I'm now using an old 1Gb micro SD and slow formated to FAT32.

I used a zip online called "Turbo everdrive setup pack" and all the stuff seems to work ok.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2015, 01:12:44 PM »
TED has to reset the console to run the ROM off the memory chip after you selected the game.  White screen may be a normal function of waiting to start the ROM.

There shouldn't be any issue at all.  If there are problem, the usual applies:
Does the console work 100% with regular game?
Used the clean rom set? Some set contains altered ROMs and some bad dump or such that still works in emulator but not in real system
Correctly formatted SD card?
SD card size could be an issue.  Don't need a 32GB or 64GB card when a 512 or even a 256MB  card is more than enough
For 2.x only, you need the OS as well. Krikzz site has them, just save it to the root level uncompressed.
Region mod is not guarranteed to work with TED.  While most are fine, there's a few cases of it not working.

If all else fails, use fire contact Krikzz on his forum for help or return. If it's new and he says return it, you could return it to the store you bought it from as shipping to Ukraine can be pricey.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2015, 11:52:38 PM »
Is there detailed instuctions in the box with this thing I am very computer stupid... My wife is the smart one... I was under the assumption that all I had to do was download a rom set and drag and drop on the sd card and boom


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2015, 12:15:29 AM »
Format the sd card FAT32.
Download the OS for V2.4 from site and unzip.
Place the TED folder onto SD card in root.
Place games in a folder/folders.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2015, 12:28:40 AM »
Thanks sir... About a month till I can open and play it!!!!


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2015, 12:42:24 AM »
Thanks sir... About a month till I can open and play it!!!!

You shouldn't have any issues it's pretty easy to setup.  Only issue I ever had were some bad roms but other than that it works great.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2015, 03:26:02 AM »
So yeah, when I get mine I will let you know with the few consoles I have here right now if there are any issues.
I can test it on a SuperGrafx with Super CD-Rom 2, Duo-R with a region mod, Duo-R without region mod, a PCE Duo and a US Duo.

My old v2.2 (bad version) card failed on my Core Grafx II + SuperCDROM combo.

The replacement v2.3 (1st fixed version) works fine on the same system.

The new version also works on my PCE Briefcase with both original PCE and Core Grafx II, my Turbo DUO and my DUO-R.

But none of those have region-mods so I can't comment on that aspect.

I am mostly curious if it works correctly with the region modded Duo-R as I wired the 5v to the HuCard slot pin and not at the 7805.

There's a guy on KRIKzz's forum with a DUO-R that had to rewire his region-mod to get it's power from the 7805 input and not it's output ... but that's the single report that I've seen of problems with the newer v2.3/v2.4 card.

I have noticed that when it boots there is a pause with a white screen then the list loads up.

It could be a SD issue if it's stuck on a white screen.

That's definitely the normal behavior as the card's firmware loads the OS from the SD card on power-up.

You'll normally get an error screen displayed if the firmware has a problem reading the SD card.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2015, 05:40:51 AM »
Just got my v2.4 on Saturday. I had a couple 32gig micro sd cards lying around. One was from PNY the other from SanDisk.

Neither of the micro ad cards worked in the everdrive. I went to my local store this.morning to get some.New smaller ones. Smallest they had was 8gigs so I grabbed one of those and a 16gig one. Both the 16 and 8 gig cards worked without issue. Both were from SanDisk, note the 32gig version did not.

The everdrive 2.4 was tested on a non region nodded US Duo. I will be testing it on a region modded PC Engine Duo, Duo-R and SuperGrafx later this week.


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2015, 05:49:47 AM »
Was the larger card SDHC or SDXC? Maybe the ED can't use SDXC.
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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2015, 05:56:02 AM »
Just always use the smallest micro-SD you can.  Hell, everything fits on a 1 gig with plenty of room left.  Stay away from generic brands tho.  I have never had one not work, but that isnt saying I wont ever have an issue...


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Re: Anyone having issues with the everdrive 2.4 ??
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2015, 06:05:20 AM »
Was the larger card SDHC or SDXC? Maybe the ED can't use SDXC.

Pretty sure both the 32gig cards are sdhc. And yes those two were both just lying around extra sd cards I had that I have no use for yet. But since they didn't work I had to buy new ones.

I understand they are way to big for the roms but I already had them from previous phones, mp3 player etc. I am using the 8gig sd card as the Ted's permanent resident card now. It's the smallest one I have.