It's one of those things like Micro Machines (MD) where a lot people love it, for the multiplayer of course, but personally I can't stand it. %90 of the game is spent dealing with people falling off the screen. People who are probably having zero fun unless they are of the Mario Kart 64 generation and don't really see a difference between racing and juat getting your ass kicked all over the place for three minutes until the checkered flag waves. Micro Machines did this SUPER annoying thing where when the cars dropped off the edge of the screen (when are they not?) the game would pause and the loser car would bounce annoyingly with a stupid sound effect. When you first get the game and you and all your friends totally suck at it, watching that bouncing motion will be the main event of Micro Machines. It got much better with sequel, but why WAS there a sequel when the original was so suicide inducing?
If they made one of these games in 4k keeping the original 12x12 sprites, I would be very interested. As it is, I can't see WTF is more than 50 feet in front of me and the game seems to move at 200mph so it's just incredibly frustrating.
There are quite a few similar games to this that I actually really enjoy. The Great 1000 Mile Rally is the best. Thrash Rally is great. These are both one player with a camera that tracks the player. That gives you a lot more to work with.