Author Topic: Can Pcenginefx beat all licensed TurboGrafx-16 games in 2016/2017? (115/135)  (Read 13879 times)


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We are now up to 33 cleared!

First posts updated.

In regards to questions...,


11.  Games to clear may not be reserved.  Whoever beats it first and posts their pic gets the credit.

...That said, for longer games such as Cratermaze, Might & Magic III, other RPGs, etc..., if you post in this thread that you are actively working on this game, there will likely be some 'gamer courtesy' in giving you a fair chance to clear the game.  Just don't leave us hanging.   :-"


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I have been playing super star soldier for off and on last week. Last level boss rush is nasty. I'm having a list of issues with the game.

First if you die and have the continue where you left off power up. (Yellow Ship) its practically worthless because of how little damage your standard ship does you wont be powerful enough to defend against whatever just killed you.

-The Flamethrower (Yellow) power up can hide enemy bullets inside so if you blast a wave of enemies coming in and one gets a shot of at the edge of your shot, you can't see it and will get hit.

-The Flamethrower power up leaves the front of your ship exposed every other second

-While dodging enemies the power ups can get in your way (they come down in a waving pattern), so while maneuvering around to not get hit you may be forced into picking up the flamethrower power up.

-If you are already powered up with and a power up drop ship comes by if you don't shoot it to release power up, it will kamikaze at you across the screen and can kill you.

-Shooting the drop ship creates another problem as when it releases the power up it comes down in a wave formation. This is a big pain because unlike en enemy you can't shoot to clear it, you have to dodge it if you don't want it.

-Some power ups randomly appear (unless its point based, kill count based) so clearing certain parts seem dependent on if you can get that random ship to come for the extra power up.

-The first red power up does nothing? (Standard ship fire two straight lasers, 1 red power up nothing, 2 red power ups shots shoot front and back in a Y formation, 3 red, shots spread out all around the ship.

-The order of power ups can screw you over. If a wave of enemies come in, in addition to a wave of 3 drop ships. And I shoot the drop ships to avoid them going kamikaze on me. And a Red, Blue, Red Power ups wave down in that order. If I collect the first red nothing happens because thats how that one seems to work, then blue and get level 1 blue, try to avoid the next red but still touch it, it changes me to lvl1 useless red.

It seems that in order to clear the final stage you need the level 3 Green Power up, Blue is possible to a lesser degree. Forget Red because its useless if you get it. Yellow exposes the front and blinds your shots.

Then survive the first 3 minutes of enemies attacks while getting lucky enough that a random green appears to get lvl 3 then not get screwed over by power ups after that. Proceed to Clear a 3 boss rush, not dodge the 11 power ups that come down after the first rush cause none are green. Then defeat the last two bosses with allowing room for maybe 1 hit against you.

TL:DR SSS is a fairly difficult shooter and in the later levels becomes extremely and awkwardly difficult because of a flawed and punishing power up system.  :-({|=
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 11:55:36 AM by Enternal »


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Can Pcenginefx beat all of the licensed TurboGrafx-16 games in 2016? (33/134)
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2016, 11:57:34 AM »
^the power up system is not flawed. You simply have preferences for what you like/don't like.

I was never a fan of the flamethrower when I first played the game. Later, though, I would get flamethrower to add variety to the game.

This is standard operating procedure for most games: best it first using preferred weapons, then have fun replaying the game with different weapon combinations (even the "lame" weapons can be fun when they become part of the challenge).
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Well i think we'll have to disagree on the flawed parts but i should have been more specific. On a standard ship the first red power up should do something. It appears to do nothing. (Maybe someone more familar with the game can explain it) The shots of the flamethrower should not hide shots of the enemy. With it being a short to medium range weapon it permits close shots that will never be seen to hide inside and hit the player.

With power ups being a big criteria to a shooter having two of the four power up paths with issues has me giving this game a B instead of an A+. Overall though I've had a blast playing it.

The other things on my list are just challenging parts of gameplay because clearly they designed the drop ships to kamikaze.

The difficulty of using recovering after a death is forgivable too as that is an aspect of many other shooters.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 04:42:05 PM by Enternal »


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The first red power up changes your shot from 4 double forward shot  to 6 double forward shot. Its more noticeable when you jack the turbo switch up, which you should do when you have the red power up.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 06:53:57 PM by Phase »


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I use the green electric weapon from start to finish in Super Star Soldier. Total screen annihilation all the time, except behind you.


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The first red power up changes your shot from 4 double forward shot  to 6 double forward shot. Its more noticeable when you jack the turbo switch up, which you should do when you have the red power up.

Ahh, thanks for clarifying


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Can Pcenginefx beat all of the licensed TurboGrafx-16 games in 2016? (33/134)
« Reply #82 on: January 12, 2016, 08:26:01 AM »
Well i think we'll have to disagree on the flawed parts but i should have been more specific. On a standard ship the first red power up should do something. It appears to do nothing. (Maybe someone more familar with the game can explain it) The shots of the flamethrower should not hide shots of the enemy. With it being a short to medium range weapon it permits close shots that will never be seen to hide inside and hit the player.

With power ups being a big criteria to a shooter having two of the four power up paths with issues has me giving this game a B instead of an A+. Overall though I've had a blast playing it.

The other things on my list are just challenging parts of gameplay because clearly they designed the drop ships to kamikaze.

The difficulty of using recovering after a death is forgivable too as that is an aspect of many other shooters.

Ahh, the inability to see enemy bullets at close-range...that's the trade-off for using flamethrower. I like this (I believe it was intentional, to balance things out...otherwise, it might be too easy to put speed up to MAX and just zip around screen without abandon.)

Of course, I understand why you don't like it. You may never feel "comfortable" with flamethrower (leading to frustration)...

...I guess we can agree that flamethrower might not be universally loved :)

Personally, I love how it fans back and forth and is rather limited...

...but wait until you beat the game a few times. Then maybe give flamethrower another chance.
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On military madness, does it need to be all 32? Or does the first 16 count?

Also, before I sold my duo last year, I was only one general away from winning Lords of the rising sun.  ](*,)
If I still had it, I could knock that one off the list too.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 12:43:42 PM by mitsuman »

Black Tiger

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Also, before I sold my duo last year, I was only one general away from winning Lords of the rising sun.  ](*,)
If I still had it, I could knock that one off the list too.

That wouldn't count.

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Also, before I sold my duo last year, I was only one general away from winning Lords of the rising sun.  ](*,)
If I still had it, I could knock that one off the list too.

That wouldn't count.
no I wouldn't count that game from last year, I would just do it again.  :lol:


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On military madness, does it need to be all 32? Or does the first 16 count?

Also, before I sold my duo last year, I was only one general away from winning Lords of the rising sun.  ](*,)
If I still had it, I could knock that one off the list too.

I say, all the stages.

But that's just me. :)
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Not a great run, but good enough:

U.S. Collection: 98% complete    157/161 titles


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Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair:

btw, you listed it under my name in the second post but The Dynastic Hero isn't crossed off on the list.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 12:11:26 PM by gheebee »


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I tried to give BoxyBoy a full run the other day, made it a fair bit in but it gets hard and frankly, a bit tedious...

I'll pick something else soon and give it a solid go go go  :dance: