Author Topic: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?  (Read 5720 times)

obey my ego

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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #90 on: January 05, 2016, 10:14:45 PM »
I don't see the big deal about keeping them sealed.

I collect for Genesis and have a everdrive for that system. If I find sealed games I just display them next to the open games.

Anyways. I traded one sealed dragon's curse for a loose copy of crusader of centy.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #91 on: January 05, 2016, 11:42:45 PM »
I wouldn't judge someone for collecting sealed shit. I mean how many of you have games just sitting on shelves you never play as well? Once I beat an RPG I put it down. I couldn't play through them a second time. Work limits my time.

Hell I have a few ps4 games still sealed because my time is limited and some games take 20+ hours to beat.

I collect other things like rifles. That only get used 1-2 times a year. Does that mean I should stop collecting them?

None the less I respect your opinions. But calling people out and insulting them just because they find sealed games as a nice display item in the game room is a bit ass backwards.

Like I mentioned in the other thread. If someone wants to offer me a open complete TurboGrafx game in trade I'll gladly open one and trade with you.

Like I said don't sweat it. Most these people are collectors here.

Let me put it like this. People collect stamps, cards, weapons, paintings, vinyl, sealed vinyl (cause they have that shit on CDs ffs), posters, sports cards, video games, sealed video games ( I beat this shit so many times that I have sealed version because to me its like a baseball card, its a collectors item), cassettes, underwear, porn, pogs, and the list goes on.

Listen these clowns here, don't let them tell you what to do. They are butthurt because some of the games they wanna play cost too much money and they can never own them because they are such hippocrit collectards themselves. If they wanna play it download an emulator, but NO!!!!! they MUST own it!!!!

I wish I had a Mickey Mantle rookie card. Am I crying about why is it so expensive. These clowns cry everyday about why they never will own Magical Chase or Hero Tomna or something.

Don't open yo shit, Grade your shit!!!! Happy New Year!!!


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #92 on: January 05, 2016, 11:49:54 PM »
I wanted the experience of opening & playing a new game (even though I'd played F-Zero prior to then).

what are you? twelve years old? "experience". Listen to yourself you sound ridiculous. What's wrong with playing your used one? The whole "experience" is in the game itself, not fetishly opening and cumming while opening new game, like some dumb geeknerd.

Stop feeding new members this bs. People collect video games. They keep the great stuff sealed because they can frame it, hang it and look at it knowing its worth hundreds or thousands. Like paintings. It's an investment.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #93 on: January 05, 2016, 11:59:21 PM »

They tried to make me do a recap
I said no, no, no


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #94 on: January 06, 2016, 12:18:20 AM »


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #95 on: January 06, 2016, 12:37:37 AM »
I wanted the experience of opening & playing a new game (even though I'd played F-Zero prior to then).

what are you? twelve years old? "experience". Listen to yourself you sound ridiculous. What's wrong with playing your used one? The whole "experience" is in the game itself, not fetishly opening and cumming while opening new game, like some dumb geeknerd.

Stop feeding new members this bs. People collect video games. They keep the great stuff sealed because they can frame it, hang it and look at it knowing its worth hundreds or thousands. Like paintings. It's an investment.

Video games are not investments, Tool. If you're allocating your income there in the hopes that one day one of your games are going to fund your retirement, well... never mind, please continue to do that. Good luck with that, actually! Any tips on which games I should be stockpiling?
Speaking of which, where's that market report I asked for earlier? I need your insight on where the Turbo market is headed. Thanks!


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #96 on: January 06, 2016, 12:45:40 AM »
That avatar makes me lol


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #97 on: January 06, 2016, 01:44:10 AM »
Quote from: tool
Same tired rant that we've been hearing from this dumb cunt for years.

Off the meds again, eh?
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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #98 on: January 06, 2016, 01:51:12 AM »
I wanted the experience of opening & playing a new game (even though I'd played F-Zero prior to then).

what are you? twelve years old? "experience". Listen to yourself you sound ridiculous. What's wrong with playing your used one? The whole "experience" is in the game itself, not fetishly opening and cumming while opening new game, like some dumb geeknerd.

Stop feeding new members this bs. People collect video games. They keep the great stuff sealed because they can frame it, hang it and look at it knowing its worth hundreds or thousands. Like paintings. It's an investment.

Video games are not investments, Tool. If you're allocating your income there in the hopes that one day one of your games are going to fund your retirement, well... never mind, please continue to do that. Good luck with that, actually! Any tips on which games I should be stockpiling?
Speaking of which, where's that market report I asked for earlier? I need your insight on where the Turbo market is headed. Thanks!

Standard & Tool's recently relegated the credit one could have with sealed Timeball copies to Junk status.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #99 on: January 06, 2016, 01:52:08 AM »
I wanted the experience of opening & playing a new game (even though I'd played F-Zero prior to then).

what are you? twelve years old? "experience". Listen to yourself you sound ridiculous. What's wrong with playing your used one? The whole "experience" is in the game itself, not fetishly opening and cumming while opening new game, like some dumb geeknerd.

Stop feeding new members this bs. People collect video games. They keep the great stuff sealed because they can frame it, hang it and look at it knowing its worth hundreds or thousands. Like paintings. It's an investment.

Video games are not investments, Tool. If you're allocating your income there in the hopes that one day one of your games are going to fund your retirement, well... never mind, please continue to do that. Good luck with that, actually! Any tips on which games I should be stockpiling?
Speaking of which, where's that market report I asked for earlier? I need your insight on where the Turbo market is headed. Thanks!

I concur. Look what happened to sports cards and comic books? Need I say more? Play. Your. f*cking. Games. Enough. Said.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #100 on: January 06, 2016, 02:42:04 AM »
That's fine. Guess I'm a collectard

Collectards! Collectards!

You really need to dial it down sometimes Gentlegamer. I think almost every single one of your posts contains the word "collectard".

Take it up with Ron Jeremy.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #101 on: January 06, 2016, 02:49:44 AM »

I wanted the experience of opening & playing a new game (even though I'd played F-Zero prior to then).

what are you? twelve years old? "experience". Listen to yourself you sound ridiculous. What's wrong with playing your used one? The whole "experience" is in the game itself, not fetishly opening and cumming while opening new game, like some dumb geeknerd.

Stop feeding new members this bs. People collect video games. They keep the great stuff sealed because they can frame it, hang it and look at it knowing its worth hundreds or thousands. Like paintings. It's an investment.

Because I no longer had a loose copy, you giant douche.  Emulate/flash cart all you want, but nothing can replicate the feeling of opening and playing a new game for the first time on a real console.  That is the only reason to collect sealed video games, for me.  You do what you like with your infinite funds, paying for shit you can't/don't even use.

Honestly, you sound like the 12 year old.  Sports cards?  You're really comparing video games to sports cards?  Seriously, f*ck you.  I'm surprised nobody's found a reason to ban your useless ass. 
Play Turbografx.
Play the Turbografx. PLAY

Buh buh buh, I have almost all teh games evar.  I R TEH BESTEST COLLECTR!!


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #102 on: January 06, 2016, 03:03:41 AM »
I've played downloaded ISOs of PSP games almost exclusively since getting a PSP Go, yet I always free newly acquired games from their plastic prison.  Unless you're worried about maximizing resale value, what's the point of keeping 'em sealed?  I can't read the manual if it's sealed, and I can 'display' them without cellophane just as well as with.
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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #103 on: January 06, 2016, 03:23:08 AM »
I just don't understand why you don't just put up a damn price and be done with it.  Not that hard.  I will give you $55 shipped for it right now.  Serious.  PM me.


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Re: Dragon's Curse Value new sealed?
« Reply #104 on: January 06, 2016, 03:25:11 AM »
That's fine. Guess I'm a collectard

Collectards! Collectards!

You really need to dial it down sometimes Gentlegamer. I think almost every single one of your posts contains the word "collectard".

Take it up with Ron Jeremy.

You know he was paid to say that, right?

I don't think he gives a crap about your collectard fetish.