Y'all are the best.
And if you haven't heard INSOC's latest album, _hello world, go load up Spotify right now and give it a listen. It's fantastic.
I didn't know they still existed. Damn.
They've had a pretty crazy history.
After Peace & Love, Inc. they essentially broke up but in '97 Kurt released a solo album under the name InSoc, "
Don't Be Afraid." It's very dark and moody and lovely. Also, if you've played Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, some of the soundtrack in-game will sound familiar because Kurt was the main music guy for that game and used bits of this album.
Then in '07 the other two original guys got together and created a new InSoc album and hired someone who sounds *just like Kurt* to do vocals, "
Synthesizer." It's awesome and sounds much more like their first three albums. They must have resolved whatever issues they had because Kurt did vocals on one of the tracks.
After that they toured some (releasing a live DVD, "
It is Useless to Resist Us") and then last year released "
_hello world," which is unbelievably awesome. They have another album coming out in March, but I think it's mostly covers and older material re-recorded. I'll get it. I've always been nuts for these guys.