This is a Fram mod rather than a Sram mod that WilyKat is doing.
The Fram is more expensive than the Sram version but....
Unlike Sram does not need a large storage cap to hold memory.
So no loss of data for years and years and years....
No battery in the Tennokoe Bank.
IC is a Cypress FM18W08.
It's a Fram with a similar pinout.

Formated Ram OK.
Have just tried Soldier blade and save is in the bank.

Just ordered some switches which are Hartman PT65503 16way hex.
This a rotary switch that will have pullup resistors giving an extra 16 banks of data.
Will wire up the switch when it arrives and post to all a wiring diagram.
This will of course work with WilyKats great piece of work on the next thread.
I will probably upgrade mine to his switching circiuit when he's finished it.