I've always used the Ys Book 1 and 2 US Pronounciation.
Are there any Sega fans using the Master System version of his name which is Aron?
I like to use the alternate names of various versions, like Dulk Dekt and Maficious, as I see them as alternate realities.
I hate the name Lutz and will never call Noah that, as much as I wasn't crazy about the name Noah. The worst translation I've ever seen is the original fan translation of Phantasy Star. It was supposed to be extremely accurate, while taking into consideration the inspiration of names and words. So Alis became Alyssa and not "Arisa", because Alyssa is a real western name. But they took the phonetical name of "Tyrone" and made it TYLON. How the hell can you screw that up so badly in that kind of translation which was supposed to fix that kind of stupid localization?