In France, the PCE was first imported by a shop in Paris called Shoot Again. It was in 1988. The owner was at the time already into import games. Unfortunately I didn't live in Paris back then and I only owned an Amstrad CPC 464 and was too young to even think of such systems as the Atari ST, the Amiga and, of course, the PCE.
I once met a guy who lived in Paris back then and knew Shoot Again. He told me that on the first day the PCE was sold there, there was a line of customers queuing up to buy the PCE.
The owner of the shop imported PCE systems and games via a company based in Hong Kong and at first, there was the RFU issue. One of his customers was an electronician and he offered to modding the systems.
Then came sodipeng, which is a subsidiary company of Guillemot (ie Ubisoft). They imported the PCE via the same Hong-Kong company but at a larger scale.
From this moment on, the PCE was distributed in Supermarkets, Hifi stores (such as la FNAC for those who know this French Chain) and even, later, in catalogues.
French magazines had a rather exhaustive coverage of PCE games. The PCE was first mentionned in MSX News (which later became Micro News) in 1988.
From 1990 to 1993, the most popular game magazines reviewed PCE games (Joystick, Joypad, Generation 4, Tilt, Consoles + and Player One). You could even see reviews of PCE games on French gaming TV programs from 1990 to 1992.
When Sodipeng stopped its activity in 1993/1994, it was then more difficult to find PCE games as only import shops would get new releases.
Still, it was not that easy to get PCE games when you were in the countryside but most of those who'd read magazines back then knew about the PCE. In my small town, there were only 3 persons I know of who owned a PCE (including me).
Some journalists and reviewers who workd for gaming magazines were PCE crazy (JM Destroy, who also worked as a salesman at Shoot Again, Greg) and that helped a lot in turning the PCE into a "cult" system.
As for the comunity itself, as I said I was not living in Paris back then but most of the guies I met in Paris and were into the PCE community tell me that they would meet in front of Shoot Again to exchange PCE games.
There also has been 2 (or 3, can't remember well) PCE dedicated fanzines : Eden, made by Kaminari and friends, and PC Engine Power Fan, made by a guy who lived in Lyon.