So I have created a google doc to list the differences I have discovered so far. Now I have not mentioned translation differences because then everything would have that comment. the doc I have listed the US name, then the JP name (if different), US Only, US Product ID, media format, then the differences notes.
Original Post Below
So I saw it mentioned about the number of US only releases and I was curious what they were. So if there is a list somewhere I could not find it, so I searched around and here is what I came up with:
Addams Family
Andre Panza - No HuCard version in JP
Battle Royale
Beyond Shadowgate
Bonk 3 CD - No CD version in JP
Camp California
Champions Forever Boxing
Darkwing Duck
Gate of Thunder four-in-one disc - This compilation disc not released in JP
Ghost Manor
It Came From The Desert
John Madden Duo CD Football
Night Creatures
Order Of The Griffon
Yo Bro
3 in 1 Kiosk Demo Disc
Lords of Thunder Demo Disc
Hawaiian Island Girls
Local Girls Of Hawaii
Bikini Girls
Is this it?
Also why were US developed console games so meh back in the day? I mean most US game companies could develop computer games just fine, but when it came time to develop for a console they just couldn't get it right.
Adding games where the US release the graphics/game play/sound (beyond translated voices) changes from the JP release.
AirZonk - PC Denjin (some graphics changed)
Bonk's Adventure - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Bonk's Revenge - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Bonk 3 HuCard - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Cotton -
Cratermaze - Character sprites changed
Exile 2 - Increased difficulty.
Godzilla - Quizzes removed.
JJ & Jeff - Character sprites & attacks changed.
Magical Chase - Stage 1 graphics changed.
Psychosis - Levels are in a different order and no flipping the bird.
R-Type - Was all on one HuCard, JP release 2 HuCards.
Sinistron - Some levels in a different order.
Splaterhouse - Mask changed to purple, religious symbolism removed.