Author Topic: So what were the US only released Turbo games (& US games with major changes)?  (Read 906 times)


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So I have created a google doc to list the differences I have discovered so far. Now I have not mentioned translation differences because then everything would have that comment.

In the doc I have listed the US name, then the JP name (if different), US Only, US Product ID, media format, then the differences notes.

Original Post Below

So I saw it mentioned about the number of US only releases and I was curious what they were. So if there is a list somewhere I could not find it, so I searched around and here is what I came up with:

Addams Family
Andre Panza - No HuCard version in JP
Battle Royale
Beyond Shadowgate
Bonk 3 CD - No CD version in JP
Camp California
Champions Forever Boxing
Darkwing Duck
Gate of Thunder four-in-one disc - This compilation disc not released in JP
Ghost Manor
It Came From The Desert
John Madden Duo CD Football
Night Creatures
Order Of The Griffon
Yo Bro

3 in 1 Kiosk Demo Disc
Lords of Thunder Demo Disc
Hawaiian Island Girls       
Local Girls Of Hawaii       
Bikini Girls

Is this it?

Also why were US developed console games so meh back in the day? I mean most US game companies could develop computer games just fine, but when it came time to develop for a console they just couldn't get it right.

Adding games where the US release the graphics/game play/sound (beyond translated voices) changes from the JP release.

AirZonk - PC Denjin (some graphics changed)
Bonk's Adventure - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Bonk's Revenge - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Bonk 3 HuCard  - Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat.
Cotton -
Cratermaze - Character sprites changed
Exile 2 - Increased difficulty.
Godzilla - Quizzes removed.
JJ & Jeff - Character sprites & attacks changed.
Magical Chase - Stage 1 graphics changed.
Psychosis - Levels are in a different order and no flipping the bird.
R-Type - Was all on one HuCard, JP release 2 HuCards.
Sinistron - Some levels in a different order.
Splaterhouse - Mask changed to purple, religious symbolism removed.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 04:06:53 AM by IvanBeavkov »


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Re: So what were the US only released Turbo games?
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 08:20:36 AM »
Battle Royale
Beyond Shadowgate
Hawaiian Island Girls       
Local Girls Of Hawaii       
Bikini Girls   
3 in 1 Kiosk Demo Disc 

Lords of Thunder Demo Disc (I'm not fully convinced this exsists)    

Cratermaze, JJ & Jeff and Magical Chase had graphics alterations from the Japanese versions.

There's also homebrew games like Implode, Meteor Blaster DX etc...
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 08:55:00 AM by Otaking »


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Re: So what were the US only released Turbo games?
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 08:33:11 AM »
There's also Bonk 3 CD and the Gate of Thunder four-in-one disc.

Added in edit: does Andre Panza count as US only?  There's The Kickboxing for PCE but it's different, akin to the difference between Bonk 3 versions.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 08:42:56 AM by Necromancer »
U.S. Collection: 98% complete    157/161 titles

Black Tiger

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Re: So what were the US only released Turbo games?
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 08:48:27 AM »
I count Andre Panza and Cratermaze as unique enough.

Cratermaze isn't really a graphic alteration so much as restoration of the original version of the game. Cratermaze also has different music.

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Re: So what were the US only released Turbo games?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2016, 09:22:40 AM »
Interesting I would have never guessed Battle Royale was a US only game.

Bonk 3 CD and the Gate of Thunder 4 in 1 disc are interesting cases. The games came out in japan but not packaged that way. I guess Andre Panza would count also because it is like Bonk 3 CD. I think I will add them to the list with a comment.

Homebrew is its own category I think, separate from US or JP releases.

I will add those games to the list, thanks.

I was thinking more about games that didn't come out in Japan at all. Not ones that were significantly altered. Although that would also make an interesting list.

Games where the US release the graphics/game play/sound (beyond translated voices) changes from the JP release.

So off of the top of my head I can think of the following games with changes:
Cratermaze - Character sprites changed
Exile 2 - Increased difficulty.
Godzilla - Quizzes removed.
JJ & Jeff - Character sprites & attacks changed.
Magical Chase - Stage 1 graphics changed.
Splaterhouse - Mask changed purple, religious symbolism removed.


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Games that different in some way from Japanese to US

Bonk (Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat)
Airzonk -PC Denjin (some graphics changed)
Chase HQ
Keith Courage - Wataru
Psychosis  (levels are in a different order and no flipping the bird)
R Type - was all on one hucard
Galaga '90/'88
Devil's Crush/Crash (graphics changed)
Dragon's Curse/Adventure Island
Legendary Axe II
Bloody Wolf

Edited update thread
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 10:05:19 AM by Otaking »


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Bonk (Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat)
Airzonk -PC Denjin

Psychosis  (levels are in a different order and no flipping the bird)
R Type - was all on one hucard
Sinistron (some levels in a different order)
Ah, I should have remembered Bonk and R-Type

What is actually different in Cotton and Air Zonk?

Ok, you are making a lot of changes I will wait till you are done to update the 1st post again. :-)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 10:01:10 AM by IvanBeavkov »


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A good regional differences thread from a ways back:
U.S. Collection: 98% complete    157/161 titles


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Was gonna edit my post with more games and info but found this old thread which covers tons more.

Edit: Necromancer posted same link at same time  :D
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 10:24:15 AM by Otaking »


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Bonk (Bonk's transformation is different to PC Genjin's when he eats meat)
Airzonk -PC Denjin

Psychosis  (levels are in a different order and no flipping the bird)
R Type - was all on one hucard
Sinistron (some levels in a different order)
Ah, I should have remembered Bonk and R-Type

What is actually different in Cotton and Air Zonk?

Ok, you are making a lot of changes I will wait till you are done to update the 1st post again. :-)

I don't think Cotton has any differences really, except maybe the US one defaults to English.  The JP one lets you have English as well as an option.
Gredler: spread her legs and push her down to make her more lively<br>***<br>majors: You used to be the great man, this icon we all looked up to and now your just a pico collecting 'tard...oh, how the mighty have fallen...<br>***<br>_joshuaTurbo: Sex, Lies, Rape and Arkhan. A TurboGrafx love story

Black Tiger

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Air Zonk has lots of major and minor differences. Main stuff:

Different opening, bomb change, teet change, all-round poo censorship (brain instead of poo, etc).

Tiger Road has different enemy layouts and overall  difficulty.

Shadow of the Beast Turbo ending (and maybe all cinemas?) is neutered to reduce load times.

Aside from the title screen, player sprite, misc enemies, shop sprite and first stage background changes, the Turbo Magical Chase also lost the sound trst trick which includes an unused bgm that was used for the tutorial in the GBC version.

Cosmic Fantasy 2 lost certain items and elements.

Dragon Slayer PCE had an interactive Omake mode when played on a CD2 setup.

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Wow, you guys really have a lot of info on this, even down to small details that I wasn't thinking about.

I have read through the old thread as well and I'm trying to process all this info. I definitely want to compile a concise list. I'm thinking of breaking the list into a few categories like this:

Minor Changes - Minor things like games with just title screen changes or like the Bonk games where the 2nd meat transformation looks different. They are differences but don't really affect the game.

Moderate Changes - This one is a little more difficult to define. Changes that don't fundamentally change the game but do make it a different experience. Like Magical Chase & Cratermaze.

Major Changes - These game are very different and I think one could probably be called 'better' than the other. Like Exile 2, Godzilla, and Sinistron.

What do you guys think?


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Yes: minor — major changes is a nice way to categorize the differences.

Of course, it might turn out that only two categories are necessary: major vs. minor.
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Black Tiger

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Godzilla isn't better on Turbo, it's functionally impossible to experience everything in it thanks to the omission of the quiz game.

JJ & Jeff plays much better with the spray can attack, which is not only better  than farting on its own, but it compliments the flow of the overall gameplay.

Magical Chases' changes are purely aesthetic and don't affect the game.

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Keith Courage

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Not sure if it was already mentioned that the U.S. Motoroader has many more tracks/courses than its JP counter part. You can unlock a few of them in the JP version with codes but it is still lacking compared to the US version.