Wow, you guys have been so kind. I really appreciate you going out of your way to help me out. Well, I have a lot to respond to, but here it goes (in no particular order):
I already have Popful Mail for Sega CD, which I hear was one of the best versions, anyways (or at least compared to the Super Famicom version), and it's the only one released in English. Wonderful game, though.
As for Cosmic Fantasy 2, I was going to ask about that, since I saw someone make a thread about it. I play a lot of RPGs and I'm not very picky, as long as it's not horrible. If it has a fun battle system or good storyline (both would be a real plus), I don't mind.
I didn't know that the TGCD was region-free, that's good to know, though I'm not really much of an import gamer. To be honest, all I've imported are some Ganbare Goemon games, Stafy no Densetsu 1-3, Mother 3, and Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix. And I only bought the RPGs among those because I'm a massive fan of Kingdom Hearts and EarthBound.
But back on topic, thanks for the shooter reccomendations, I know the system is known for shooters, which is great, because I've loved them since my days as a youngster (well, I guess I'm still a bit young, 15

). I've already planned on getting the Gate of Thunder games and Lord(s?) of Thunder, since they look so cool and they're must-haves. Oh, and Air Zonk, because I've never tried a cute-em-up.
Back on the RPG subject, as much as I don't mind importing, I really like to know everything that's going on in a game without having to consult a manual. So while I don't mind "figuring it out", I'd feel like I was maybe missing something in the process of playing. And about that patch thing, how would that work exactly? I know you described it, but maybe a little more detailed? If it involves ROMs or anything like that, I can't say that I'm interested in the process. Sorry, it's just not exactly my style.
Oh, and I really like your friend's XyZ site, Seldane. But uh... of all the RPGs you guys are listing, do you think you could let me know which ones have and haven't been officially released here?
One last thing before I post this up: can anyone reccomend some platformers for the TG-16 and CD? I already know of Bonk, which I'll definitely get, but I also heard of a quirky sounding one where you punch phones and they talk to you? That one sounds interesting, too. Any others? And again, if you reccomend an import to me (which I don't mind at all), just let me know if it's Japan only, okay?

Thank you all so much, you're probably the nicest people on internets.