Welcome to our special issue on penultimate games.
Member profiles
Zig: Can't seem to beat level 3 in blazing lazers, but keeps at it.
GUTS: In between horns of mead and trampling his enemies beneath his sandled feet he's found time to finally beat the caves of madness in Legendary Axe.
Keranu: The youngster is a tough cookie, sharpening his appetite for shooters on such classics as Insector X and Wings of Wor.
Ruder: Refuses to beat level 3 for Zig after already beating 1 and 2 for him.
GUTS: * Sloppy and with a huge, huge hit box, like my mom. I don't like her either.
Keranu: *** Nothing is cooler than obtaining extra heads for power ups. Also has some of the best chip tunes created.
Ruder: ** Slow and ugly, and NOT like the enjoyable Cyber Core.
Zig: **** A Namcot classic.
GUTS: *** Translated as "The Long Nosed Goblin Warrior", this game is one thing, FUN!
Keranu: **** FUN!
Ruder: ** I had no fun with this.
Zig: * I can't pronounce the name.
GUTS: ***** Even better than 1991's Game of the Year*, Legendary Axe
Keranu: **** Darker and admittedly a little more entertaining than the first.
Ruder: **** Very dark, has been known to bring sensitive gamers to tears.
Zig: * Very atmospheric. A dark, dismal, dreary atmosphere burdened by methodical (read: slow and boring) gameplay.
GUTS: * Can I do a half asterix? Is this a demo or did I hook up my Atari on accident?
Keranu: *** Fun, but outdated.
Ruder: * Slightly better than Space Megaforce.
Zig: * Not quite as revolutionary as it was back in 1981.
GUTS: ***** Micro Cabin is the master of vertical shooters with this and Elemental Master under their belt. This game should have been called Xak Formula, it stars the main character from the first two Xak game.
Keranu: ** I don't think UNIVERSO PC ENGINE likes this game much.
Ruder: * Get Elemental Master instead.
Zig: *** Micro Cabin's first effort on the PCE is an admirable one.
GUTS: * The worse $400 I've ever spent
Keranu: ** A must buy.
Ruder: ** Bad, but not like a train wreck, so don't bother looking.
Zig: ***** It's like mixing Dracula X with a much better version of Last Battle, then topping it with a soundtrack that thunders more than Lords of Thunder.
GUTS: ** A good idea and an ok game, but the birthday thing was f*cking stupid
Keranu: **** Four stars just for the creativity alone.
Ruder: **** Gives you a great birthday present!
Zig: ** If I wanted to play with slinkies, I'd watch my massive dick roll down the stairs. This was cooler when it was called Mesopotamia, because ancient Babylon rules.