We're not struggling to keep up with Atlantean... I hand delivered a box of them to a store in Japan, and well, we're making more now.
There isn't really a smashing demand for the game, anyways. We sold a shitload of them. It's just the occasional person who missed the boat somehow. and the Japanese people who have a valid excuse for missing out, which is why I made sure to deliver some.
Also, since you have not received your Repro cards, you really can't comment on the "superior" quality.
The repro cards lack plastic. There is no plastic. It's all circuit boards. It's an Atlantean without plastic.
Really, if you think that is a superior design, we could start rifling out Atlantean's that are just two circuit boards sandwiched together to cover the ROM, lol. The majority of the effort in Atlantean's construction comes from the case. They take forever to print.
NOTE: I am not saying the repro cards are shit. I am just pointing out that they aren't plastic. They're shiny white or black circuit boards. They don't feel like a real card either. They feel like a circuit board sandwich, because that's literally what they are.
The reason our cards aren't silky smooth is because sitting there smoothing out plastic with acetone is a fairly large waste of time. I still personally prefer plastic, as that feels more HuCardy than a circuitboard sandwich. and nitpicking about texture is just goony.