Team Turbokon, TheSteve & Jodi going big-time, won't be able to keep up with the order spike that'll follow now!!!
It's kinda funny reading the heat that Pat is taking, some deucebag in the comments section even went the anti-Semitic route (pointing to Jew stereotypes?) with regards to him... No idea where that's coming from, but that's Youtube commentators for ya! There's a Jew conspiracy to be found SOMEWHERE in practically anything when enough tin-foil hat nutjobs can gather in the same room!
On this debate, I do actually agree with Pat when it comes to a Turbo Everdrive, and loading it up with every ROM, that it is a hard sell for me to wanna buy individual bootlegs/repros in the face of the ultimate one-size-fits-all solution for playing games on real hardware!
BUT, I can understand/comprehend why others would want these! They're a re-imagining of the HuCard design, they're heavier, thicker, with different artwork and case, they're built by fans, the workmanship is kind of beautiful such as what I see with the black Magical Chase HuCard that was gifted to me by turbo/Jodi, etc.
There is a novelty in these, somewhere, and why you can find a customer for them even in knowing about the Turbo Everdrive. The knowledge to rebuild/reprint HuCards can also allow homebrew games, such as how Chris Covell's HuZero went into physical production with his permission/inclusion.
Anyway, while I wouldn't find it practical to keep filling up my shelves with fakes, I can understand and respect why others would want to, so no big deal to me, etc. Have at it if you wish. Hell, same reason I like looking at a few of the CD repros, I can easily make a CD-R instead, but seeing it produced with printed fan artwork is nice, so it would be kind of hypocritical of me to knock those that would want lots of the fake HuCards. Difference though, I wouldn't have paid for them, if I have 'em via donation, great, if not, off to the Everdrive or CD-R.
EDIT: I will say, that Dracula X "Survivor Edition" IS tempting to have paid something for (but it was Tobiass, so)... I can't blanket say I never would buy one, if it's well-produced, but vast majority of times, yeah, I'd be too cheap to ever do so, and my shelves are already filled with stuff that sits there, backlogged to all hell and never played, so... :/