I have a TED, too.
Is there an "Idiot's Guide" to the TED/EverDrive that I should use?
It's a simple seven step process. No drivers or fancy software needed. This applies to any flash cart, not limited to Turbo/PCe...
Step #1: Buy SD or Micro SD card and plug into PC. Format it to FAT32 if not already.
Step #2: Unzip OS files to root directory of SD card.
Step #3: Create a new folder and name it whatever you like.
Step #4: Copy any ROMs you'd like to run into said folder. Try to keep it under 250 files per folder.
Step #5: Insert SD card into Everdrive. Insert Everdrive into system. Power on.
Step #6: Use controller to navigate menu and select ROM.
Step #7: Enjoy!