Greetings Citizens,
Some of you may know that RIGG is supporting NightWolve's ' Xak III: The Eternal Recurrance ' Translation Project. It's a pretty ambitious project and it's one we want to finish, but we NEED your help. Since RIGG is sponsoring this project, we are willing to reimburse the translator(s) that help us COMPLETE this project with honorary RIGG-Op status (i.e. UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE GREAT LIBRARY AD INFINITUM). Anyone with at least 2 years formal Japanese language experience would suffice, though we would prefer volunteers with 5 years or more. This is a MAJOR undertaking and a groundbreaking attempt for the PCE Community. If anyone wishes to be a part of something great, please respond to this post, our messageboards at , or our IRC channel (US DALnet #turboduo). Remember, only serious applicants please. This is a very intense project and we cannot afford to hire any translators who are not willing to see this through. This is your chance to leave your mark on the emu scene, and help RIGG redefine the Duo for future generations. All applicants should be prepared to pesent proof of their credentials.
Thanks for everyone's kind support,
Edited by:
Tenchi no Ryu at: 2/21/02 7:22:30 pm