TTI sent me Dungeon Master Theron's Quest and a Lords Of Thunder T-Shirt along with a personalized letter as a response to one of the letters I wrote to them back in the day, when I suggested pretty much everything everyone now says they should've and shouldn't have done.
I played through it a few times and I didn't hate it, but wasn't too thrilled by it. I'm not a dungeon crawler fan, but I still didn't appreciate the lackluster port.
According to Retro Gamer magazine, the "Theron's Quest" monicker was slapped on because they cut out a whole chunk of the actual game/quest.
It's worth playing if you like playing a game simply for the fact that it's on Turbografx, but if you're not a hardcore turbo fan and only like trying the the best games that Turbo/PCE has to offer, then don't bother.