Cheat codes? Do you mean the passwords to access the missions, or are there other cheat codes? Anyway, I cleared all 32 missions before seeing the mission passwords for the first time (I think in TurboPlay magazine). Fantastic game and it was very satisfying to finally beat that last mission, which is quite unfair in the number of enemies you have to fight. However, the AI in MM is pretty limited, and once you get used to it the game becomes fairly easy. Keep your units together for Area of Effect bonuses, force the enemy into chokepoints, pound them with ranged units while they're approaching your front line, and destroy units in a single round so they can't retreat to a factory for repair. Also, by forcing the enemy into a chokepoint with say only 2 or 3 hexes to engage your front line, you can rotate fresh units into the line after each round of combat while withdrawing damaged units to factories. The computer AI isn't very good at using this strategy, so on the maps where you are heavily outnumbered you can use this defensive strategy to wear down their numbers before going on the offensive later.