I'm really trying-my-best to play the game without cheating and giving myself extra stuff like that ... unless I get blocked.
So I took the "programmer's way out" since I'm playing in Mednafen, and just figured-out where the current HP is stored in RAM, and then gave myself a bunch of extra HP whenever I was getting dangerously-low. :-"
Now that I'm passed that one bit, hopefully I can go back to playing as normal.
Errrr ... I'm a wuss! :oops:
Once I'd figured out how to cheat, I just did so on every Boss fight so that I could continue playing the game.
I'm a total failure as an Ys fan!
Thanks to NightWolve for all the hard work with the English hacking, and to everyone involved in the dub, it was a lot of fun!!!
The script though could use some good editing but it's respectable enough. XXXSEED's cock-flasher never redid it as I had asked, he only finished the 4% Rachel hadn't and I was misled about that for a time, so one day perhaps SamIAm might be interested. Tough to motivate a retranslation is the thing.
I'm definitely curious as to how SamIAm's translation would be different ... but yeah, it doesn't seem likely that it would ever happen.
The script and dialog-triggers in Ys IV seemed a lot less sophisticated than what Falcom did in the LoX games.
It'll be interesting to get further in Anearth and see if that's a Hudson-vs-Falcom thing, or just a difference between the times that the games were developed.
It *seemed* as though I wouldn't have known what to do next in Ys IV a lot of the time if I hadn't been using a WalkThrough.
LoX1 had a few points like that (we've tried to give slightly better clues), but LoX2 is very linear and simple, and just wants you to enjoy the ride.